smartcar / go-sdk

Smartcar's Go SDK
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Smartcar Go SDK GoDoc

Note: This SDK is currently unmaintained, all features of the SDK still work as expected, but no updates are planned


The Smartcar API lets you read vehicle data (location, odometer, fuel, etc.) and send commands to vehicles (lock, unlock) using HTTP requests.


Install the smartcar package if you are not using Go modules:

go get -u

Import it using:

import smartcar ""

Getting Started Guide

  1. Initialize a Smartcar Client.

    // A smartcar Client is needed to talk to any of the methods in the SDK
    smartcarClient := smartcar.NewClient()
  2. Initialize an Auth Client struct with your client id, client secret, redirect URI, the scopes you want, flags, and test mode.

    // An Auth Client is used to generate a smartcar connect url, authenticate with smartcar, and check compatibility
    authClient := smartcarClient.NewAuth(&smartcar.AuthParams{
        ClientID:     "<CLIENT_ID>",
        ClientSecret: "<CLIENT_SECRET>",
        RedirectURI:  "<REDIRECT_URI>",
        Flags:      "<Optional Flags>",
        Scope:        []string{"read_vehicle_info"},
        TestMode:     true,
  3. Get an auth URL and then redirect user to that URL.

    authURL, err := authClient.GetAuthURL(&smartcar.AuthURLParams{})
    // redirect user here.
        If using the net/http library, you can use http.Redirect.
        In order for the next line to work you need to have an endpoint that
        has access to a http.ResponseWriter and http.Request.
    http.Redirect(w, req, authURL, http.StatusSeeOther)
  4. Setup up a redirectURI endpoint to receive authorization code. Exchange auth code for an authorization.

    // Exchange initial authorization code
    token, err := authClient.ExchangeCode(
        &smartcar.ExchangeCodeParams{Code: code},
    // When your token expires, you can exchange it by sending your refresh token for continued access.
    token, err := authClient.ExchangeRefreshToken(
        &smartcar.ExchangeRefreshTokenParams{Token: token.Refresh},
    // You can check the validity of your token by callint the IsTokenExpired method
    isExpired := smartcarClient.IsTokenExpired(&smartcar.TokenExpiredParams{
        Expiry: token.AccessExpiry,
  5. In order to send a request to a vehicle, you need to create a smartcar.Vehicle, and for that you need a vehicle ID. You can get a vehicleID by sending a request to smartcarClient.GetVehicleIDs, which will return a list of vehicleIDs associated with an access token.

    vehicleIDs, err := smartcarClient.GetVehicleIDs(
        &smartcar.VehicleIDsParams{Access: token.Access},
  6. Construct vehicle with an ID, and an AccessToken, a UnitSystem is optional

    vehicleParams := smartcar.VehicleParams{
        ID: (*vehicleIDs)[0],
        AccessToken: token.Access,
    vehicle := smartcarClient.NewVehicle(&vehicleParams)
  7. Send request to vehicle. The following endpoints are available. (check the go documentation for the most up to date list.)

    // Vehicle Endpoints
    battery, err := vehicle.GetBattery(context.TODO())
    batteryCapacity, err := vehicle.GetBatteryCapacity(context.TODO())
    charge, err := vehicle.GetCharge(context.TODO())
    disconnect, err := vehicle.Disconnect(context.TODO())
    fuel, err := vehicle.GetFuel(context.TODO())
    info, err := vehicle.GetInfo(context.TODO())
    location, err := vehicle.GetLocation(context.TODO())
    lock, err := vehicle.Lock(context.TODO())
    odometer, err := vehicle.GetOdometer(context.TODO())
    oil, err := vehicle.GetOil(context.TODO())
    permissions, err := vehicle.GetPermissions(context.TODO())
    tirePressure, err := vehicle.GetTiresPressue(context.TODO())
    unlock, err := vehicle.Unlock(context.TODO())
    vin, err := vehicle.GetVIN(context.TODO())
    // You can change the unit systems of a vehicle at any point by doing.
    err := vehicle.SetUnits(smartcar.UnitsParams{Unit: smartcar.UnitSystemMetric})

Pro Features


Compatibility allows you to verify if a particular VIN is compatible with a scope of permissions. This method should be used prior to directing a user to the Smartcar Connect flow. Learn more on our doc center.. For details on how to specify country code strings refer to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2

isCompatible, err := smartcarClient.IsVINCompatible(context.TODO(), &smartcar.VINCompatibleParams{
    VIN: "<VIN>",
    Scope: []string{"<Scope>"},
    Country: "<Country Code>",
    ClientID:     "<CLIENT_ID>",
    ClientSecret: "<CLIENT_SECRET>",


Batch allows you to send make requests to multiple endpoints in a single request.

batch, err := vehicle.Batch(
battery := batch.Battery
info := batch.Info
location := batch.Location
odometer := batch.Odometer