Load generator with modular architecture.
Berserker is designed to be modular from beginning as illustrated on the following diagram.
Rate generator controls the rate at which load generator operates, rate is expressed on per second basis, or better say, number of impulses which will be generated within one second. Each time impulse is generated load generator fetches data from data source and passes it to worker. Since those are simple interfaces, it is easy to add additional module implementing either data source, worker and even rate generator. Following diagram represents possible modules for Load Generator of which some are already implemented.
Berserker is designed as command line tool, but having modular architecture makes it easy to use it as Java library as well.
Berserker Commons holds interface for core and configuration and it provides signature all the modules need to confront to be able to work together.
Berserker Core contains load generator implementation, and common implementations of data source, rate generator and worker.
Berserker Runner represents runnable jar where desired data source, rate generator and worker can be specified within YAML configuration. Following section illustrates YAML configuration example.
data-source-configuration-name: Ranger
rate-generator-configuration-name: default
worker-configuration-name: Cassandra
metrics-reporter-configuration-name: JMX
thread-count: 10
queue-capacity: 100000
id: uuid()
firstName: random(['Peter', 'Mike', 'Steven', 'Joshua', 'John', 'Brandon'])
lastName: random(['Smith', 'Johnson', 'Williams', 'Davis', 'Jackson', 'White', 'Lewis', 'Clark'])
age: random(20..45)
email: string('{}@domain.com', randomLengthString(5))
consistencyLevel: ONE
query: string("INSERT INTO person (id, first_name, last_name, age, email) VALUES ({}, '{}', '{}', {}, '{}');", $id, $firstName, $lastName, $age, $email)
output: $statement
r: 1000
output: $r
keyspace: my_keyspace
async: false
- "CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS my_keyspace WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};"
- USE my_keyspace;
- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS person (id uuid, first_name text, last_name text, age int, email text, primary key (id));
domain: berserker
Main part of configuration is load-generator-configuration
where concrete modules which will be used for data source, rate generator and worker need to be specified. After load-generator-configuration
section, there should be exactly one section for data source, rate generator and worker.
Each section is allowed to contain module specific configuration as configuration interpretation will be done by module itself.
In order for berserker-runner to be able to find particular module, each module jar must be in classpath.
Documentation on rate generator configuration can be found here.
List of existing modules:
Berserker Ranger is Ranger data source implementation.
Berserker Kafka is worker implementation which sends messages to Kafka cluster.
Berserker Cassandra is worker implementation which executes CQL statements on Cassandra cluster.
Berserker HTTP is worker implementation which sends HTTP request on configured endpoint.
Berserker RabbitMQ is worker implementation which sends AMQP messages to RabbitMQ.
Berserker MQTT is worker implementation which publishes messages to MQTT broker.
Berserker can be used either as a library or as a stand-alone command line tool. Configuration examples can be used as starting point.
Artifact can be fetched from bintray.
Add following repository
element to your <repositories>
section in pom.xml
Add the dependency
element to your <dependencies>
section in pom.xml
depending which artifact
and version
you need:
java -jar berserker-runner-<version>.jar -c <path_to_config_file>
java -jar -Dlogback.configurationFile=<path to logback.xml> berserker-runner-<version>.jar -c <path_to_config_file>