smartchicago / kimball

Kimball is our internal name for Patterns, a tool to manage the Civic User Testing Group
MIT License
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Kimball is an application to manage people that are involved with the Smart Chicago CUTGroup.


Kimball is a customer relationship management application at its heart. Kimball tracks people that have signed up to participate with the CUTGroup, their involvement in events and CUTGroup programs.


Kimball is a Ruby on Rails app.

ssh-add yourkey On Mac OS X, ssh-agent will "forget" this key, once it gets restarted during reboots. But you can import your SSH keys into Keychain using this command:

/usr/bin/ssh-add -K yourkey

Services and Environment Variables.

Environment variables live here: /config/local_env.yml. The defaults are drawn from /config/sample.local_env.yml.

local_env.yml, which should not be committed, and should store your API credentials, etc.

If a variable isn't defined in your local_env.yml, we use the default value from sample.local_env.yml, which is checked into the respository.



Running a Test!

  1. create a survey
  2. Pick people to receive the survey and send it to em.
  3. Choose people and send them an availability survey:
  4. Tell people individually what tests youve chosen for them and manually create a reservation for them.
  5. create a survey that is filled out during the test itself, either via SMS or web.


Main development occurs in the development branch. HEAD on master is always the production release. New features are created in topic branches, and then merged to development via pull requests. Candidate releases are tagged from development and deployed to staging, tested, then pushed to master and production.

Development workflow: Install Vagrant:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier vagrant-hostmanager
vagrant up
open http://`whoami`

To access the virtual machine, run:

vagrant ssh
bundle exec rails c # etc. etc. etc.

Unit and Integration Tests

To run all tests:

bundle exec rake

To constantly run red-green-refactor tests:

bundle exec guard -g red_green_refactor



The application code is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for terms.