FogFlow is an IoT edge computing framework to automatically orchestrate dynamic data processing flows over cloud and edges driven by context, including system context on the available system resources from all layers, data context on the registered metadata of all available data entities, and also usage context on the expected QoS defined by users.
This project is part of FIWARE. For more information check the FIWARE Catalogue entry for Processing.
:books: Documentation | :mortar_board: Academy | :whale: Docker Hub | :dart: Roadmap |
FogFlow is a standard-based data processing framework for service providers to easily program and manage IoT services over cloud and edges. Below are the motivation, functionalities, and benefits of FogFlow.
Why do we need FogFlow?
What does FogFlow provide?
How can customers benefit from FogFlow?
The instructions to install FogFlow can be found in the Installation Guide
APIs and examples of their usage can be found here
For performing a basic end-to-end test, you can follow the detailed instructions here.
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