smartlake / proxy65

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Code Author: Dave Smith Maintainer: Fabio Forno Doc Author: Peter Saint-Andre Doc Version: 1.2.9 Last Updated: 2008-11-22


Proxy65 is a server-side component that enables you to add a SOCKS5 bytestreaming service to a standard Jabber server, mainly to be used for out-of-band file transfer. For a full definition of the functionality, please read JEP-0065:

Proxy65 runs as an "external component": i.e., it uses the over-the-wire API for server-side components documented in JEP-0114. Therefore it should work with most Jabber server implementations and is not limited to the jabberd 1.4 server series.

This README documents version 1.1 of Proxy65.


Proxy65 is written in Python and built on top of the Twisted framework:

Other dependencies:


At a minimum, you MUST have Python 2.5 and Twisted 8.0 or higher installed in order to run Proxy65; if it doesn't work with this configuration ping


    IMPORTANT NOTE FOR UPGRADES If you are upgrading from a previous version of Proxy65 you must delete the proxy65.* files in your twisted/plugins directory before proceeding to the installation

Unzip the Proxy65 code into your preferred directory (it does not need to be installed into your Jabber server directory); this will create a proxy65/ subdirectory. Type 'cd proxy65' to move to that directory.

As root or using sudo, type the following at the command line:

python install

This will install the Python files you need into your Python distribution.

If you want to install Proxy65 somewhere else, refer to:


Next, update your server configuration. In this README, we cover configuration for the jabberd 1.4.x and jabberd 2.x servers, but you should be to add the correct configuration to other servers, too, as long as they support the Jabber component protocol that is specified in JEP-0114: (refer to the documentation for your server of choice regarding its support for this protocol).

4.1 Jabberd 1.4.x

For jabberd 1.4, add an appropriate service line to the section of your jabber.xml file's JSM config:

... ...

You do not have to name it "proxy65", it can be anything you'd like. However, it MUST be a fully qualified domain name if you want people from outside your domain to use it (which is usually the point of running a bytestreams service).

Then add an appropriate service definition of the kind you already have for groupchat, gateways, JUD, and the like (this does not go in the section -- refer to the jabberd 1.4 admin guide or README for details): yourcomponentportnumber yourproxysecret

The 'id' SHOULD be the same as the 'jid' you provided above.

If you are behind a NAT, do not provide an IP address; instead, the element needs to be a hostname that you can set in different ways inside and outside the firewalled area. This makes it possible for entities inside and outside to access the proxy.

The port number can be anything you like (usually some high port not registered with the IANA is a good idea). The port number you provide is the one over which server-to-component communications will occur, not the port used by clients when they connect to the bytestreams service.

The secret can be anything you like.

4.2 Jabberd 2.x

With jabberd 2.x, you can simply connect to the router's IP address with the "legacy" password that is configured in the router.xml file.


Since version 1.2.0 Proxy65 is directly started as a "Twisted Application Plugin", which is started by using the twistd command. TAP files are no more supported since they are now deprecated.

First check to see that Twisted knows about your application by typing the following command:


Your application (proxy65) should show up in the output list.

If Proxy65 does not show up, check the python path in the following files and check your Twisted Matrix installation:


Next, type:

twistd proxy65 --help

You should see some nice help output:

twistd proxy65 --help

Usage: twistd [options] proxy65 [command options] Options: --jid= [default: proxy65] --secret= --rhost= [default:] --rport= [default: 6000] --proxyips= --version --help Display this help and exit.

In order to start Proxy65 just run the 'twistd' command with the appropriate parameters.

The parameters have the following meaning:

--jid The JID of your Proxy65 service, just as it is in your jabber.xml file or other config. --secret The secret password used between your Jabber server and your Proxy65 component. --rhost The IP address of your Jabber router (server). --rport The port over which router-to-component traffic will be sent. --proxyips The IP addresses and ports used for SOCKS5 communications; you can supply more than one by comma-separating the list. The address must be an IP address (not a hostname) and the port is specified by a colon (":") character and then the port number. (The default port is 7777).

So, type something like this:

twistd proxy65 --jid=proxy65.yourhostname.tld --secret=yourproxysecret --rhost=yourjabberdip --rport=yourcomponentportnumber --proxyips=defaultnetworkIP:someport

Here is an example:

twistd proxy65 --jid=proxy65.localhost --secret=proxybaby --rhost= rport=7013 --proxyips=

And voila! Proxy65 is running.

  1. USAGE

At present, the main use for Proxy65 is file transfer between Jabber clients that are advanced enough to support the protocol defined in JEP-0096:

Note: when specifying the Jabber address of your proxy, you MUST NOT include the port number. Jabber entities don't know anything about port numbers, and if you specify a port number in your fine new proxy's Jabber address, nothing will work and you will be tremendously disappointed.

File transfer is not the only use for Proxy65, although it is the only use defined so far. Because Proxy65 is really just a generic bytestreaming proxy, it could be used for other applications (such as voice over IP using a relatively light protocol such as Speex). Look for more creative uses of Proxy65 in the future.


For help with Twisted, type 'man twistd'.

For help with Proxy65, contact either of the addresses listed at the top of this README (use Jabber, you'll receive a faster reply!), or join the chatroom.


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