smcclure879 / Ayvex

At the intersection of business and gaming
3 stars 4 forks source link


At the intersection of business and gaming.

It will be a better world if VR is open, distributed, ubiquitous, and free. Virtual reality can improve on regular reality in many ways. People will migrate to cyberspace, very much as sciFi has portrayed. We are paving the way, to insure it's a little more pleasant, free, and open when you arrive.



  1. fork the repository
  2. git checkout cleanup (it's the branch we're using right now)
  3. tell me what you want to work on
  4. you get some XP in the company just for getting that far, more if you add code.

Urgent needs: what I need someone to work on (now):
a. dynamic loading and unloading of classes (good for language theory geek)
b. 4-D perlin noise for land (good for math geeks, i can start you)
c. art: assign default textures for everything
d. protocol: synching the critical information for group telepresence via webRTC
e. world-builder: make a first class destination within cyberspace, and OWN the land.
f. coder: bring over old data models
g. api expert: rationalize our worldbuilding language. This is a domain specific language that impacts the magic system.