smessmer / binary-layout

The binary-layout library allows type-safe, inplace, zero-copy access to structured binary data. You define a custom data layout and give it a slice of binary data, and it will allow you to read and write the fields defined in the layout from the binary data without having to copy any of the data. It's similar to transmuting to/from a #[repr(packed)] struct, but much safer.
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The binary-layout library allows type-safe, inplace, zero-copy access to structured binary data. You define a custom data layout and give it a slice of binary data, and it will allow you to read and write the fields defined in the layout from the binary data without having to copy any of the data. It's similar to transmuting to/from a #[repr(packed)] struct, but much safer.

Note that the data does not go through serialization/deserialization or a parsing step. All accessors access the underlying packet data directly.

This crate is #[no_std] compatible.


use binary_layout::prelude::*;

// See for ICMP packet layout
binary_layout!(icmp_packet, BigEndian, {
  packet_type: u8,
  code: u8,
  checksum: u16,
  rest_of_header: [u8; 4],
  data_section: [u8], // open ended byte array, matches until the end of the packet

fn func(packet_data: &mut [u8]) {
  let mut view = icmp_packet::View::new(packet_data);

  // read some data
  let code: u8 = view.code().read();
  // equivalent: let code: u8 = packet_data[1];

  // write some data
  // equivalent: packet_data[2..4].copy_from_slice(&10u16.to_be_bytes());

  // access an open ended byte array
  let data_section: &[u8] = view.data_section();
  // equivalent: let data_section: &[u8] = &packet_data[8..];

  // and modify it
  view.data_section_mut()[..5].copy_from_slice(&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
  // equivalent: packet_data[8..13].copy_from_slice(&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);

See the icmp_packet module for what this binary_layout! macro generates for you.

What to use this library for?

Anything that needs inplace zero-copy access to structured binary data.

Why use this library?

Why not #[repr(packed)]?

Annotating structs with #[repr(packed)] gives some of the features of this crate, namely it lays out the data fields exactly in the order they're specified without padding. But it has serious shortcomings that this library solves.

When not to use this library?


To the best of my knowledge, there is no other library offering inplace, zero-copy and type-safe access to structured binary data. But if you don't need direct access to your data and are ok with a serialization/deserialization step, then there is a number of amazing libraries out there.


Layouts are defined using the binary_layout! macro. Based on such a layout, this library offers two alternative APIs for data access:

  1. The Field API that offers free functions to read/write the data based on an underlying slice of storage (packet_data in the example above) holding the packet data. This API does not wrap the underlying slice of storage data, which means you have to pass it in to each accessor. This is not the API used in the example above, see Field for an API example.
  2. The FieldView API that wraps a slice of storage data and remembers it in a View object, allowing access to the fields without having to pass in the packed data slice each time. This is the API used in the example above. See FieldView for another example.

Supported field types

Primitive integer types

For these fields, the Field API offers FieldReadExt::read, FieldWriteExt::write, FieldCopyAccess::try_read, FieldCopyAccess::try_write and the FieldView API offers FieldView::read and FieldView::write.

Primitive float types

Non-zero primitive integer types

Reading a zero values will throw an error. Because of this, FieldReadExt::read and FieldView::read are not available for those types and you need to use FieldCopyAccess::try_read and FieldView::try_read.

bool, char

bool and char are supported using the bool as u8 and char as u32 data type notation.

Note that not only 0u8 and 1u8 are valid boolean values and not all u32 values are valid unicode code points. Reading invalid values will throw an error. Because of this, FieldReadExt::read and FieldView::read are not available for those types and you need to use FieldCopyAccess::try_read and FieldView::try_read.

Primitive Zero-Sized Types (ZSTs)

ZSTs neither read nor write to the underlying storage, but the appropriate traits are implemented for them to support derive macros which may require all members of a struct to implement or enum to also support the various traits.

Fixed size byte arrays: [u8; N].

For these fields, the Field API offers FieldSliceAccess::data, FieldSliceAccess::data_mut, and the FieldView API returns a slice.

Open ended byte arrays: [u8].

This field type can only occur as the last field of a layout and will mach the remaining data until the end of the storage. This field has a dynamic size, depending on how large the packet data is. For these fields, the Field API offers FieldSliceAccess::data, FieldSliceAccess::data_mut and the FieldView API returns a slice.

Custom field types

You can define your own custom types as long as they implement the LayoutAs trait to define how to convert them from/to a primitive type.

Data types maybe supported in the future

These data types aren't supported yet, but they could be added in theory and might be added in future versions.

Data types with dynamic length

This crate relies on a static layout, it cannot support data types with dynamic length. In theory, types with dynamic length could be supported if they either

Both of these, however, would be some effort to implement and it is unclear if that will ever happen (unless somebody opens a PR for it).


For strings, note that even fixed-size UTF-8 strings take a variable number of bytes because of the UTF-8 encoding and that brings all the issues of data types with dynamic length with it. This is why strings aren't supported yet.

Fixed-size arrays other than [u8; N]

Say we wanted to have a [u32; N] field. The API couldn't just return a zero-copy &[u32; N] to the caller because that would use the system byte order (i.e. endianness) which might be different from the byte order defined in the packet layout. To make this cross-platform compatible, we'd have to wrap these slices into our own slice type that enforces the correct byte order and return that from the API. This complexity is why it wasn't implemented yet, but feel free to open a PR if you need this.


Layouts can be nested within each other by using the NestedView type created by the binary_layout! macro for one layout as a field type in another layout.


use binary_layout::prelude::*;

binary_layout!(icmp_header, BigEndian, {
  packet_type: u8,
  code: u8,
  checksum: u16,
  rest_of_header: [u8; 4],
binary_layout!(icmp_packet, BigEndian, {
  header: icmp_header::NestedView,
  data_section: [u8], // open ended byte array, matches until the end of the packet

Nested layouts do not need to have the same endianess. The following, which is copied from the complete example at tests/ in this repository, shows how you can mix different endian layouts together:

use binary_layout::prelude::*;
use core::convert::TryInto;

binary_layout!(deep_nesting, LittleEndian, {
    field1: u16,
binary_layout!(header, BigEndian, {
    field1: i16,
binary_layout!(middle, NativeEndian, {
    deep: deep_nesting::NestedView,
    field1: u16,
binary_layout!(footer, BigEndian, {
    field1: u32,
    deep: deep_nesting::NestedView,
    tail: [u8],
binary_layout!(whole, LittleEndian, {
    head: header::NestedView,
    field1: u64,
    mid: middle::NestedView,
    field2: u128,
    foot: footer::NestedView,

License: MIT OR Apache-2.0