smford / esp32-asyncwebserver-fileupload-example

Examples of how to upload files to an ESP32 using Asyncwebserver, SPIFFS and an Upload progress bar.
Apache License 2.0
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asyncwebserver esp32 file listing server spiffs upload web


This is hopefully a simple example to demonstrate how to upload a file to an ESP32 using the AsyncWebServer, saving the files on to SPIFFS and having a simple upload progress bar displaced.

There are various instructions around the place, but they were all confusing and it took a long time to figure out what was needed, I hope these examples help someone.

Example 1 - Single Webpage, File Listing, Simple Upload

Example-02 is more complete and offers a better user experience, with this example there is no progress of file upload after clicking the upload button.

Example 2 - Single Webpage, Authentication, File Management, Upload with Progress Bar