smilhey / cabinet.nvim

Cabinet is a plugin for Neovim that allows you to manage your buffers in drawers.
MIT License
24 stars 2 forks source link
multiplexing neovim plugin


This still a WIP all suggestions and PR are welcome !

cabinet.nvim is a plugin for Neovim that allows you to manage your partition your buffers in order to help nvim be a better multiplexing tool.

The goal is to add a level of grouping and organization to your buffers without changing how you you navigate them.

Here is the workflow it enables :

Features :


You can install Cabinet using your preferred plugin manager. You need to at least call setup for the plugin to work.

With Lazy :

return {
    config = function () 
        local cabinet = require("cabinet")


Basic Commands

:Drawer [name] - Switch to a specific drawer.
:DrawerNew [name] - Create a new drawer with an optional name.
:DrawerRename - Will prompt you for a new name for the current drawer.
:DrawerDelete [name] - Delete a drawer.
:DrawerList - List all drawers.
:DrawerPrevious - Switch to the previous drawer.
:DrawerNext - Switch to the next drawer.

Buffer Management

:DrawerListBuffers - List all buffers in the current drawer even the unlisted ones. Otherwise ls is sufficent.
:DrawerBufMove [drawer_name] - Move the current buffer to a different drawer.

Telescope Integration

Use Telescope to select drawers easily:

:Telescope cabinet

Exposed API

Cabinet exposes a simple API for interacting with its functionality programmatically.


Function Description
M.setup(config) Set up the Cabinet plugin with the provided configuration options.
M.drawer_create(drawnm) Create a new drawer with the specified name.
M.drawer_select(drawnm) Switch to the specified drawer.
M.drawer_delete(drawnm) Delete the specified drawer.
M.drawer_rename(old_drawnm, new_drawnm) Rename a drawer.
M.drawer_previous() Switch to the previous drawer in the order of creation.
M.drawer_next() Switch to the next drawer in the order of creation.
M.drawer_list_buffers() Get a list of buffers managed by the current drawer.
M.drawer_list() Get a list of names of all drawers.
M.drawer_current() Get the name of the current drawer.
M.buf_move(buffer, drawnm_from, drawnm_to) Move a buffer from one drawer to another.

User Events:

Event Name Description Data
"DrawLeave" Emitted when the user leaves a drawer, any buffer added at this point will belong to the next drawer. {previous_drawnm, next_drawnm}
"DrawAdd" Emitted when a new drawer is created. {new_drawnm}
"DrawNewEnter" Emitted when the user enters the name of a new drawer. {previous_drawnm, new_drawnm}
"DrawEnter" Emitted when the user enters an existing drawer after the layout and window information has been restored. {previous_drawnm, new_drawnm}

Here are some ways you could use those events

Config example :

return {
    config = function()
        local cabinet = require("cabinet")
        cabinet:setup({ initial_drawers = { "bar", "foo" }, usercmd = false })

        -- Switch to drawer on creation
        vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
            nested = true,
            pattern = "DrawAdd",
            callback = function(event)
                -- This is the name of the new drawer
                local new_drawnm =

        -- Open a terminal when entering a new drawer
        -- vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
        --  nested = true,
        --  pattern = "DrawNewEnter",
        --  callback = function(event)
        --      vim.cmd("term")
        --  end,
        -- })

        vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>dp", function()
        vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>dn", function()
        vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>dc", function()
        vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>dr", function()
        vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>dt", function()
            vim.cmd("Telescope cabinet")

Experimental Features

Cabinet should also allow to backup it's current state and reload it. To enable this use, add to the config function

    local save = require("")

this will add the commands :CabinetSave and :CabinetLoad.

The date format is the one returned by"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") and is the name of the folder saved in the $HOME/.cache/nvim/cabinet/saved.