This micropackage provides a simple class for managing a list of callbacks.
> composer require sminnee/callbacklist
use Sminnee\CallbackList\CallbackList;
$list = new CallbackList;
$list->add(function() { "this will get called"; });
$list->add(function() { "so will this"; });
// Or you can use it as a callable if you prefer
Arguments can be passed:
$list->add(function($greeting) { "$greeting, world!"; });
Return values are collated as an array
use Sminnee\CallbackList\CallbackList;
$list = new CallbackList;
$list->add(function() { return "this will get returned"; });
$list->add(function() { return "so will this"; });
// ["this will get returned", "so will this"]
Existing callbacks can be manipulated:
// Clear the list
// Or add a callback with a name
$list->add(function($greeting) { "$greeting, world!"; }, 'greeter');
// And then remove by that name
And you can inspect the content of the list:
// Return a single named callback
// Return everything as an array