smittytone / pi-pico

Assorted projects made while playing with the Raspberry Pi Pico
MIT License
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c cpp micropython raspberry-pi-pico


Assorted projects made while playing with the Raspberry Pi Pico.


Note Makepico is a script for creating ready-to-use Pico projects. The other items are Pico demos and games.

Cellular IoT Demo 1.0.2

A sample C++ project bringing the Pico and the Waveshare Pico SIM7080G Cat-M1 modem board together.



This is the circuit layout:

Cellular IoT Sample circuit layout

Build the Code


The device accepts commands in JSON form. For example:

{"cmd": "num", "val": 2021}

The JSON string must be converted to a base64 string for transmission by SMS:

SEND_DATA=$(echo '{"cmd": "num", "val": 2021}' | base64)

You can then send the SMS. For example, using [Twilio Super SIM]():

curl -X POST \
    --data-urlencode "${SIM_SID}" \
    --data-urlencode "Payload=${SEND_DATA}" \

You will need shell variables for your Super SIM’s SID, and your Twilio account SID and authorisation token. Different brands of SIM will have different settings, of course.

Alternatively, just punch those values into the script that’s included and call it with two arguments. For example"

./ num 9876

will send (base64 encoded):

{"cmd": "num", "val": 9876}

Commands available from the device:


This project uses the following third-party code:

Phantom Slayer 1.0.2

A retro-style 3D arcade game written in C. For more details, see this page.



Phantom Slayer circuit layout

The joystick shown is not the one used, but it gives you the idea. Connect purple to the X pin, white to the Y pin.

The Code

Build from source code, or copy phantoms.uf2 to your Pico. Please check the SHA 256:


Build the Code

The Game

See this blog post for full details.


This games is based on a 1982 original created by Ken Kalish of Med Systems for the Tandy Color Computer. The design is Ken’s; the code is mine, and I’ve taken only a few liberties with certain details.

Phantom Slayer uses TinyMT, copyright © 2011 Mutsuo Saito, Makoto Matsumoto, Hiroshima University and The University of Tokyo. All rights reserved. Licensed under the three-clause BSD Licence.

Hunt the Wumpus 1.0.2

A sample C project to build a fun game.



Hunt the Wumpus circuit layout

The Code

Build from source code, or copy wumpus.uf2 to your Pico. Please check the SHA 256:


Build the Code

The Game

This is a fun little game to hunt the Wumpus. Move through the cave with the joystick.

A red light indicates a nearby pit — if you fall in, you’ll be killed.

A twittering sound indicates a nearby bat. If you enter its square, it will carry you to another part of the cave.

A green light indicates the Wumpus is close. Enter its square and it will eat you, but if you’re sure where it is, press the button to fire an arrow to kill it first. To fire the arrow successfully, back off and then move toward the Wumpus in the direction you want to the arrow to fly. If you miss, the beast will catch you!


This version was based on an Arduino version created by Corey Faure. This is very much his game, but I have taken a few liberties with a couple of the animations and rewritten the code.

Hunt the Wumpus uses TinyMT, copyright © 2011 Mutsuo Saito, Makoto Matsumoto, Hiroshima University and The University of Tokyo. All rights reserved. Licensed under the three-clause BSD Licence.


A sample C project. Requires an HT16K33-based 4-digit, 7-segment LED and an SGP30 TVOC sensor. I used this sensor and this display:

Sensor circuit layout


A sample C project. Requires an HT16K33-based 8x8 LED matrix. I used this display.

I2C sample circuit layout


A sample MicroPython project. Requires an HT16K33-based 8x8 LED matrix.

makepico 2.1.0

Pico project set up script for Z Shell. Requires Pico C SDK pre-installed.


All source code released under the MIT Licence. Copyright © 2022, Tony Smith (@smittytone).