snap-stanford / SATURN

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SATURN: Uniting Single-cell Gene Expressions with Protein Sequences for Cross-Species Integration

PyTorch implementation of SATURN, a deep learning approach that couples gene expression with protein representations learnt using large protein language models for cross-species integration. The key idea in SATURN is to map cells from all datasets to a shared space of functionally related genes that we name macrogenes. Using macrogenes, SATURN is uniquely able to detect functionally related genes co-expressed across species.

SATURN takes as an input:

SATURN is composed of three modules:

Vignettes/frog_zebrafish_embryogenesis/Train SATURN.ipynb has an example of running SATURN, scoring the results, and running differential expression on Macrogenes.

protein_embeddings/Generate Protein Embeddings.ipynb has an example of creating and formatting protein embeddings.

Setting up SATURN

Protein Embeddings

To run SATURN you will need protein embeddings. To generate your own protein embeddings, please see instructions in the protein_embeddings directory.

Alternatively, you can use one of the publicly available protein embedding datasets we have provided.


SATURN requires installation of a number of python modules. Please install them via:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install torch==1.10.2+cu113 -f

This install should talke under 10 minutes.

Running SATURN

To run SATURN, use the file.

Vignettes/frog_zebrafish_embryogenesis/Train SATURN.ipynb has an example of running SATURN, scoring the results, and running differential expression on Macrogenes. accepts a number of required arguments:

path: path to an Scanpy h5 file with scRNA-seq count values in the X field, and at least one column of cell type labels. species: name of the Adata species embedding_path: optionally, you can specify a path to gene embedding torch files per adata. Otherwise, SATURN will map protein embeddings based on the default paths in data/

Optional Arguments also contains a number of optional arguments, a number of which are detailed below:

SATURN Output will output a number of files during and following training.

All of these files will be in the same directory, and have the same prefix, run_name, which SATURN will display at the conclusion of training.


This AnnData will have SATURN embeddings in the .X slot. In .obs, there will be columns for the original unmodified labels from in_label_col in the slot labels2, and the slot labels will contain those labels but with their corresponding species value preprended. The ref_labels column will contain values from the ref_label_col, and the species column will contain species values.

In the AnnData's .obsm, there will be a slot called macrogenes that will contain the macrogene values for each cell.

The pretraining AnnData has the same format the final AnnData.

Final Macrogene Weights:

Log Files:

There are a number of additional log files outputted:

Scoring SATURN outputs

To score SATURN outputs, either after training or during training, you will need a csv file that maps cell types between each species.

This csv should have the columns:

{species 1 name}_cell_type, {species 2 name}_cell_type... {species n name}_cell_type

and each row should contain the cell types from each species that should be mapped to eachother.

If a cell type is unique, you can just leave the other species' values blank.

To score while training SATURN, add the argument --score_adatas and pass the name of this csv file to --ct_map_path.

To score SATURN outputs after training is finished, use the file. takes the following arguments:


If you find our paper and code useful, please consider citing the preprint:

  title={Towards Universal Cell Embeddings: Integrating Single-cell RNA-seq Datasets across Species with SATURN},
  author={Rosen, Yanay and Brbi{\'c}, Maria and Roohani, Yusuf and Swanson, Kyle and Ziang, Li and Leskovec, Jure},
  doi = {10.1101/2023.02.03.526939},

Data Availability

Link Description 5 Species Alignment of Aqueous Humor Outflow (AH) Atlas Frog and Zebrafish Embryogenesis Alignment Tabula Sapiens, Muris and Microcebus Coarse Whole Atlas Alignments and Individual Tissue alignemnts Protein Embeddings for analyzed species