sneakernets / zdoom

ZDoom is an enhanced port of the official DOOM source code to Windows and POSIX platforms. As such, it also adds new features not found in the version published by id Software.
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NOTE: This fork is outdated, as all changes have been merged into rheit master. Please use the official source code!

ZDoom for Raspberry Pi and Pi 2

ZDoom is one of the most popular Doom source ports. This is an effort to bring that port to the Raspberry Pi. There is no FMOD required for sound, and it supports most EAX effects.


You need:

Everything else is provided in the source tree.

NEW! If you don't want to compile SDL2 and you have a Pi 2, just use this version at that works with dispmanx and GLES2. To use, install all packages in sdl2/. That's it!

If you still want to compile SDL2, I recommend downloading and using the Simple2D install script located at


This is a stripped down version of ZDoom. Some features will not exist, like hardware 2D support. Everything else should work. I have tested all Doom IWADS and they work.

If the game slows down and becomes choppy after sounds play, it is likely OpenAL. To fix this, reduce the number of max sounds to 8. If this still does not solve the problem, create an .alsoftrc in your home dir and type:

mmap = false

NOTE: As of the SDL2 inclusion, you need to make sure you have libev-dev and libuv-dev packages installed before compiling SDL2.

This was originally based on the git version of zdoom as of March 6, 2015. Any changes to ZDoom since then will be merged, but not at the speed of zdoom master. If there is a new feature in ZDoom in the future that hasn't been merged, contact me through Issues and I'll resolve it.


Shoutouts go out to:

This was originally "released" on Doom's 21st birthday, but time restraints made this release a day late. Oops!