wordle, with a save and load button added, made into a single file (from /src
) using monolith
mostly just unminifying the existing code, using some patterns from the original html/css, and exporting and loading the localStorage 'statistics' object.
From the wordle page, Open your browser console (right click, inspect element or tools, open console or something), then load your stats like this:
NYT Version
Original Version
They should look something like this
"currentStreak": 0,
"maxStreak": 0,
"guesses": {
"1": 1000,
"2": 0,
"3": 0,
"4": 0,
"5": 0,
"6": 0,
"fail": 0
"winPercentage": 0,
"gamesPlayed": 0,
"gamesWon": 0,
"averageGuesses": 0
and then copy the object into a text editor, save as .json