sneakyevil / IL2CPP_Resolver

A run-time API resolver for IL2CPP Unity.
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Issue finding methods and method name #36

Closed Shillersan closed 7 months ago

Shillersan commented 7 months ago

I used to loop over methods but it prints gibberish like this: U‹ìÿu\fÿu\x10ÿU\b‹M\x18ƒÄ\b‰\x1]ÃÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌU‹ì‹U\x14ÿu\f‹B\bÿr\fƒì\x10\xf\x10

Unity::il2cppClass* m_pClass = IL2CPP::Class::Find("MyClass");
void* methodIterator = nullptr;
Unity::il2cppMethodInfo* currentMethod = nullptr;

while ((currentMethod = IL2CPP::Class::GetMethods(m_pClass, &methodIterator)) != nullptr) {
    Logger::AddLog("%s", currentMethod->m_pName);

And is there a way to get methods with same name but different parameters?

extremeblackliu commented 7 months ago


Shillersan commented 7 months ago

Apparently the issue was the MethodInfo struct is different from what is there in IL2CPP_Resolver. Unity version: 2022.3.8f1

extremeblackliu commented 7 months ago
