sneat-co / ionic-ng-workspace

Multi-project setup for Ionic/Angular apps & libraries with single `node_modules` & `package.json`. Supports JetBrains IDE(s).
MIT License
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Multi-project setup for Ionic apps with root package.json and common node_modules


Purpose & benefits of multi-project workspace

How to run

To run specific Ionic sub-project execute:

ionic serve --project {PROJECT_ID}

Top level structure

📁 node_modules
📂 projects
  📂 apps
    📂 ang1 (angular app)
    📂 ionic1 (first Ionic app)
       📄 package.json
    📂 ionic2 (second Ionic app)
       📄 package.json
  📂 libs
     📂 lib1
       📄 package.json
     📂 lib2
       📄 package.json
📄 angular.json
📄 ionic.config.json
📄 package.json
📄 tsconfig.json
📄 tslint.json

Credits & references

Used by

Here is list of projects that use this setup

Create a pull request to add a link to your project here.


Licensed under MIT license - no restriction do whatever you want.