snerstack / sner-monorepo

sner -- slow network recon
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sner -- slow network recon

Main workflow

Table of Contents

1 Project description

Project goals:

  1. Distribution of network reconnaissance workload

    • Scanning/reconnaissance is performed by set of agents allowing to perform pivoted scans and dynamic scheduling.
    • Support for continuous scanning (periodic rescans)
  2. Data analysis and management

    • User-interface and API allows to analyze monitored infrastructure.
    • ORM interface allows detailed automatic, semi-automatic or manual analysis.

1.1 Design overview


                                                    +---+  (raw) files
              agent  +--+--+  server                |
                        |                           |
     +-------------+    |      +--------------+     |     +-----------------+
     |             |    |      |              |     |     |                 |  plugin1..N
     |  agent      |<--------->|  scheduler   |---------->|  parser         |
     |             |    |      |              |     |     |                 |
     +-------------+    |      +--------------+     |     +-----------------+
                        |            ^   queue1..N  |              |
      plugin1..N        |            |              +              |
                        |            |                            \|/
                        |      +--------------+           +-----------------+
                        |      |              |           |                 |
                        |      |   planner    |---------->|  db/storage     |
                        |      |              |           |                 |
                        |      +--------------+           +-----------------+
                        |                                          ^
                        |                                          |
                        |                                 +-----------------+
                        |                                 |                 |
                        |                                 |  visuals        |
                        |                                 |                 |
                        |                                 +-----------------+

2 Features

2.1 General features

2.2 Reconnaissance subsystem


Agent provides communication and execution layer for plugins implementing various tools wrappers and supports fine-graned workload routing via capabilities metadata (DEPRECATED).

For list of currently available agent plugins see sner/plugin/*/

Server: Scheduler

Scheduler provides workload configuration management and distribution with heatmap based rate-limiting scheduling.

CLI helpers are available for IP ranges enumerations and queues/targets management.

Server: Planner

Long-running daemon providing continuous orchestration of agents and output data processing in order to keep storage up-to-date with monitored networks reconnaissance data.

2.3 Data management subsystem

2.3.1 Storage and Parsers

Storage is a main IP-centric database model and user interface heavily inspired by Metasploit framework PRO UI. Allows somewhat flexible data management including predefined aggregations and items tagging.

Special tags

Tags are being evaluated in certain usecases:

Parsers are used to parse and ingest agent output data or raw files to storage.

For list of currently available parser plugins see sner/plugin/*/


Dataminend view of product-version informations for corresponding endpoints.


(EXPERIMENTAL) CPE-CVE correlations dataminig view.

2.3.2 Visuals

Visualization modules of configuration and storage.

2.3.3 API interface

Basic access to managed data.

2.4 Snerlytics

(EXPERIMENTAL) Set of external services for data analysis.

3 Installation

3.1 Production installation

apt-get -y install git make docker-compose
git clone /opt/sner
cd /opt/sner/docker
docker-compose up -d

3.2 Development enviroment

# install
apt-get -y install git sudo make docker-compose nodejs npm screen
git clone /opt/sner
cd /opt/sner
git checkout devel

# frontend
cd /opt/sner/frontend
npm install
npm run test
npm run lint

# server
cd /opt/sner/server
make install
make install-dev
make install-db
. venv/bin/activate
make db
make coverage lint
make test-selenium

# run devservers
cd /opt/sner
make devservers

# run local docker build
cd /opt/sner/docker
docker-compose up -d

Used ports

3.3 Upgrade procedure

4 Usage

4.1 Simple reconnaissance scenario

  1. Generate target list
    bin/server scheduler enumips > targets1
    bin/server scheduler rangetocidr | bin/server scheduler enumips > targets2
  2. Enqueue targets in queue (web: scheduler > queue > enqueue)
    bin/server scheduler queue-enqueue <> --file=targets
  3. Run the agent
  4. Monitor the queue until all jobs has been finished
  5. Stop the agent bin/agent --shutdown [PID]
  6. Gather recon data from queue directories (<SNER_VAR>/scheduler/queue-<>)

4.2 Data evaluation scenario

  1. Import existing data with suitable parser
    bin/server storage import <parser name> <filename>
  2. Use web interface, flask shell or raw database to consult or manage gathered data
  3. Generate preliminary vulnerability report (web: storage > vulns > Generate report)

4.3 Examples

Use-case: DNS Enum

nmap -sL -oA scan-dnsenum
bin/server storage import nmap scan-dnsenum.xml

Use-case: Basic recon

bin/server scheduler enumips | bin/server scheduler queue-enqueue 'sner servicedisco nmap'
bin/agent --debug
bin/server storage import nmap /var/lib/sner/scheduler/queue-<>/*

Use-case: External scan data processing

# template

# example
bin/server storage service-list --filter 'Service.port == 22' --short > targets
nmap \
    -sV --version-intensity 4 -Pn \
    --max-retries 3 --script-timeout 30m --max-hostgroup 1 --max-rate 1 --scan-delay 10 \
    -oA output --reason \
    -p T:22 -iL targets

# import data
bin/server storage import nmap output.xml

Use-case: Shell interface and scripting

See scripts/.

5 Known issues