snieking / ansible-role-keystore-truststore

An Ansible Role for creating a keystore and truststore with self-signed certificates.
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certificate java keystore truststore

Ansible Role: Keystore Truststore

Build Status

An Ansible Role for creating a keystore and truststore with self-signed certificates.


A Java installation with JAVA_HOME configured is required on the host.

OpenSSL is required on the host.

Pip is required on the host. See the example Playbook.

Role Variables

ca_path: /tmp/testCA \ Default: yes \ The directory where the Certificate Authority should exist.

trusted_ca_path: \ Default: no \ Path of trusted certificate authorities (certification files) that should be imported to the truststore.

expiration_days: 365 \ Default: yes \ Expiration time in days of the certificates.

common_name: \ Default: no

country: \ Default: no

state: \ Default: no

locality: \ Default: no

organization: \ Default: no

organizational_unit: \ Default: no

keystore_name: keystore \ Default: yes

truststore_name: truststore \ Default: yes

clean_up: \ Default: yes \ If a clean up should be made before running. When a clean up occurrs, all the old certificates and keystores are removed.

Example Playbook

The following playbook creates and signs certificates with our provided configuration. CN, C, ST, L, O & ON should be set to whatever you want. In the services we can configure which services and alternative names that the certificates should work for.

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
    - name: "keystore_password"
      prompt: "Please provide a password for the keystore"
    - name: ensure pip is installed
      easy_install: { name: pip, state: latest }
      become: yes
    - role: snieking.keystore_truststore
      trusted_ca_path: /my/trusted/ca-path/
      clean_up: no
      country: SE
      state: Stockholm Country
      locality: Stockholm
      organization: thecuriousdev
      organizational_unit: blog
        - "DNS.1  = testservice"
        - "DNS.2  = localhost"
        - "IP.1   ="



Author Information

Viktor Plane