snishizawa / libretto

GNU General Public License v2.0
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An open cell library characterizer. Current version support timing characterization and power characterization of combinational cells and sequential cells. Multithread supported. All of the indexes are simulated in parallel.

More better one?

Maybe LibreCell is better than libretto for characterization (lctime). LibreCell also support layout generation (lclayout). I have not tried yet.

Maybe CharLib is better than libretto for characterization. Why we can find some similarities in the code and data structure...

Back to libretto. Requirements

(1) Simulator. We assume ngspice (2) Pandoc, if you want to convert datasheet in Markdown to PDF

How to use

Use Makefile to speficy the target.


Use make command to run libretto and pandoc. Python script GEN_CMD in Makefile generates .cmd file and runs libretto.


We can manually prepare .cmd file. Then type

python3 -b [.cmd file]

How to prepare .cmd file

.cmd file composes three blocks. (1) common settings for library (2) common settings for cell (characterization conditions, settings) (3) individual settings for cell

common settings for library

Define common settings for target library. (called set command) Command Argument example Description
set_lib_name OSU035 library name
set_dotlib_name OSU035.lib .lib file name
set_verilog_name OSU035.v .v file name
set_cell_name_suffix OSU035_ cell name suffix (option)
set_cell_name_prefix _V1 cell name prefix (option)
set_voltage_unit V voltage unit
set_capacitance_unit pF capacitance unit
set_resistance_unit Ohm resistance unit
set_current_unit mA current unit
set_leakage_power_unit pW power unit
set_time_unit ns time unit
set_vdd_name VDD vdd name, used to detect vdd
set_vss_name VSS vss name, used to detect vss
set_pwell_name VPW pwell name, used to detect pwell (option)
set_nwell_name VNW nwell name, used to detect nwell (option)

common characterization conditions

Define common settings for logic cells. (called set command) Command Argument example Description
set_process typ define process condition (written into .lib)
set_temperature 25 simulation temperature (written into .lib)
set_vdd_voltage 3.5 simulation vdd voltage (unit in set_voltage_unit)
set_vss_voltage 0 simulation vss voltage (unit in set_voltage_unit)
set_pwell_voltage 0 simulation pwell voltage (unit in set_voltage_unit)
set_nwell_voltage 3.5 simulation nwell voltage (unit in set_voltage_unit)
set_logic_threshold_high 0.8 logic threshold for slew table (ratio: 0~1)
set_logic_threshold_low 0.2 logic threshold for slew table (ratio: 0~1)
set_logic_high_to_low_threshold 0.5 logic threshold for delay table (ratio: 0~1)
set_logic_low_to_high_threshold 0.5 logic threshold for delay table (ratio: 0~1)
set_energy_meas_low_threshold 0.01 threshold to define voltage low for energy calculation (ratio:0~1)
set_energy_meas_high_threshold 0.99 threshold to define voltage high for energy calculation (ratio:0~1)
set_energy_meas_time_extent 4 simulation time extension for energy calculation target large output slew (real val.)
set_operating_conditions PVT_3P5V_25C define operation condition (written into .lib)
set_slope slope_name {0.01 0.02 ...} set of slope_name and its index (unit in set_time_unit)
set_load load_name {0.01 0.02 ...} set of load_name and its index (unit in set_capacitance_unit)

common characterization settings

Define common settings for logic cells. (called set command) Command Argument example Description
set_work_dir work simulation working directory
set_tmp_dir _tempdir temporal dir for dotlib generation
set_tmp_file _tempfile temporal file for dotlib generation
set_simulator /usr/local/bin/ngspice binary for ngspice
set_run_sim true true: clean working directory and run simulation (default), false: reuse previous simulation result for .lib creation
set_num_thread value specify number of threads for simulation
set_sim_nice value specify nice value for simulator
set_compress_result true true: compress simulator log
set_supress_message true true: supress message. false: print message
set_supress_sim_message true true: supress simulation message. false: print message
set_supress_debug_message true true: supress debug message. false: print debug message
If common characterization commands are done, use initialize command to initialize characterizor. Command Argument example Description
initialize n/a initialize characteizer

individual characterization commands

Define individual settings for cells. (called add command) Except add_cell command, other add command requires one argument. add_cell command requires several arguments with option.

add command block should be start from add_cell command, characterizeand export commands finalize the simulation output into .lib and .v. If another add command is applied before running the characterize and export commands, latest add command overwrite the previous setting.

Combinational cells and sequential cells requires different add command.

(1) add command for combinational cells

add_cell for combinational cells (add_cell command should be one-line) Command Argument example Description
add_cell add cell for characterize
-n cell_name -n NAND2_1X cell name in netlist
-l logic_def. -l NAND2 logic of target cell (*)
-i inport -i A B inport list
-o outport -o YB outport list
-f verilog_func YB = !(A|B) verilog function
Supported logic functions (*) are listed as follow, (Dec. 2021) logic def Description
INV 1-input 1-output inverter
BUF 1-input 1-output inverter
AND2 2-input 1-output AND
AND3 3-input 1-output AND
AND4 4-input 1-output AND
OR2 2-input 1-output OR
OR3 3-input 1-output OR
OR4 4-input 1-output OR
NAND2 2-input 1-output NAND
NAND3 3-input 1-output NAND
NAND4 4-input 1-output NAND
NOR2 2-input 1-output NOR
NOR3 3-input 1-output NOR
NOR4 4-input 1-output NOR
XOR2 2-input 1-output XOR
XNOR2 2-input 1-output XNOR
SEL2 2-input 1-select 1-output selector
Other add command(s) for combinational cells Command Argument example Description
add_slope slope_name specify one slope_name defined by set_slope
add_load load_name specify one load_name defined by set_load
add_area 1 area (real val, no unit)
add_netlist NETLIST/INV_1X.spi location of netlist
add_model NETLIST/model.sp location of model file (include simulation options)
add_simulation_timestep real val/auto simulation timestep. If auto slope_name is selected then simulator automatically define timestep from min. slope
characterize and export commands Command Argument example Description
characterize n/a run characterization
export n/a export data into .lib and .v
(2) add command for sequential cells add_cell for sequential cells (add_cell command shoul be one-line) Command Argument example Description
add_cell add cell for characterize
-n cell_name -n DFF_ARAS_1X cell name in netlist
-l logic_def. -l DFF_PCPU_NRNS logic of target cell (*)
-i inport -i DATA inport
-c clock port -c CLK clock port
-s set inport -s NSET set port (optional)
-r reset inport -r NRST reset port (optional)
-o outport -o Q outport
-q storage -q IQ IQN storage elements
-f func Q=IQ QN=IQN operation function
Supported sequential functions (*) are listed as follow, (Dec. 2021) logic def Description
DFF_PCPU D-Flip-Flop with pos-edge clock and positive unate output
DFF_PCNU D-Flip-Flop with pos-edge clock and negative unate output
DFF_NCPU D-Flip-Flop with neg-edge clock and positive unate output
DFF_NCNU D-Flip-Flop with neg-edge clock and negative unate output
DFF_PCPU_NR D-Flip-Flop with pos-edge clock, positive unate output, async. neg-edge reset
DFF_PCPU_NRNS D-Flip-Flop with pos-edge clock, positive unate output, async. neg-edge reset, async. neg-edge set
Other add command(s) for sequential cells Command Argument example Description
add_slope slope_name specify one slope_name defined by set_slope
add_load load_name specify one load_name defined by set_load
add_area 1 area (real val, no unit)
add_netlist NETLIST/DFF_ARAS_1X.spi location of netlist
add_model NETLIST/model.sp location of model file (include simulation options)
add_clock_slope real val/auto slope for clock. If auto slope_name is selected then simulator automatically select min. slope of slope_name
add_simulation_timestep real val/auto simulation timestep. If auto slope_name is selected then simulator automatically define timestep from min. slope of slope_name
add_simulation_setup_auto n/a automatically set setup simulation time (lowest, highest, timestep)
add_simulation_setup_lowest -10 manually set lowest time for setup simulation (real val, unit in set_time_unit)
add_simulation_setup_highest 16 manually set highst time for setup simulation (real val, unit in set_time_unit)
add_simulation_setup_timestep 5 manually set timestep for setup simulation (real val, unit in set_time_unit)
add_simulation_hold_auto n/a automatically set hold simulation time (lowest, highest, timestep)
add_simulation_hold_lowest -10 manually set lowest time for hold simulation (real val, unit in set_time_unit)
add_simulation_hold_highest 16 manually set highst time for hold simulation (real val, unit in set_time_unit)
add_simulation_hold_timestep 5 manually set timestep for hold simulation (real val, unit in set_time_unit)
characterize, export and compress commands Command Argument example Description
characterize n/a run characterization
export n/a export data into .lib and .v
compress n/a compress generated spice file into tgz (note: not reused for set_run_sim option)


use exit command to return into shell. Command Argument example Description
exit n/a exit


# common settings for library
set_lib_name         OSU350_5P0V_25C
set_dotlib_name      OSU350_5P0V_25C.lib
set_verilog_name     OSU350.v
set_cell_name_suffix OSU350_
set_cell_name_prefix _V1
set_voltage_unit V
set_capacitance_unit pF
set_resistance_unit Ohm
set_current_unit mA
set_leakage_power_unit pW 
set_energy_unit fJ 
set_time_unit ns
set_vdd_name VDD
set_vss_name VSS
set_pwell_name VPW
set_nwell_name VNW

# characterization conditions 
set_process 1.0
set_temperature 25.0
set_vdd_voltage 5.0
set_vss_voltage 0
set_pwell_voltage 0
set_nwell_voltage 5.0
set_logic_threshold_high 0.8
set_logic_threshold_low 0.2
set_logic_high_to_low_threshold 0.5
set_logic_low_to_high_threshold 0.5
set_work_dir work
set_tmp_file __tmp__
set_simulator ngspice 
set_run_sim true
set_mt_sim true
set_supress_message true
set_supress_sim_message true
set_supress_debug_message true
set_energy_meas_low_threshold 0.01
set_energy_meas_high_threshold 0.99
set_energy_meas_time_extent 10
set_operating_conditions TCCOM
set_slope slope1 {0.1 0.7} 
set_load  load1 {0.01 0.07} 
set_slope slope2 {0.1 0.7 4.9} 
set_load  load2 {0.01 0.07 0.49} 
# initialize workspace

## add circuit
add_cell -n INV_1X -l INV -i A -o YB -f YB=!A 
add_slope slope2 
add_load  load2  
add_area 1
add_netlist NETLIST/NETLIST_OSU350/INV_1X.spi
add_model spice_model/model_OSU350_25C_TT.sp
add_simulation_timestep auto slope2

## add circuit
add_flop -n DFF_1X -l DFF_PCPU -i DATA -c CLK -o Q -q Q QN -f Q=IQ QN=IQN 
add_slope slope1 
add_load  load1  
add_clock_slope auto slope1
add_area 1
add_netlist NETLIST/NETLIST_OSU350/DFF_1X.spi
add_model spice_model/model_OSU350_25C_TT.sp
add_simulation_timestep auto slope1
add_simulation_setup_auto slope1
add_simulation_hold_auto slope1


Known issues (future works)

  1. Support more logics
    • Combinationals: multi-output cells
    • Sequentials: latches, scans
  2. Verilog generation for timing simulation
  3. Tristates
  4. Multiple voltage for IOs and level shifters
  5. Logic parser to find mismatch between logic definition and netlist.


  1. Speed up: Use multithreads (23Jun)
  2. Documentation support (23Jun)
  3. Support multiple loads slopes (24May)