snivilised / cobrass

🐲 Assistant for cli applications using cobra
MIT License
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cli cli-app cobra cobra-commands cobra-library command-line go golang helper-tool helpers-library subcommands

🐲 Cobrass: assistant for cli applications using cobra

A B A B Go Reference Go report Coverage Status Cobrass Continuous Integration pre-commit A B

πŸ”° Introduction

Cobra is an excellent framework for the development of command line applications, but is missing a few features that would make it a bit easier to work with. This package aims to fulfil this purpose, especially in regards to creation of commands, encapsulating commands into a container and providing an export mechanism to re-create cli data in a form that is free from cobra (and indeed cobrass) abstractions. The aim of this last aspect to to be able to inject data into the core of an application in a way that removes tight coupling to the Cobra framework, which is achieved by representing data only in terms of client defined (native) abstractions. Currently, Cobra does not provide a mechanism for validating option values, this is also implemented by Cobrass.

Status: πŸ’€ not yet published

πŸ”¨ Usage

To install Cobrass into an application:

go get

Most of the functionality is defined in the assistant package so import as:

import ""

πŸŽ€ Features

🎁 Cobra Container

The container serves as a repository for Cobra commands and Cobrass parameter sets. Commands in Cobra are related to each other via parent child relationships. The container, flattens this hierarchy so that a command can be queried for, simply by its name, as opposed to getting the commands by parent command, ie parentCommand.Commands().

The methods on the container, should not fail. Any failures that occur are due to programming errors. For this reason, when an error scenario occurs, a panic is raised.

Registering commands/parameter sets with the container, obviates the need to use specific Cobra api calls as they are handled on the clients behalf by the container. For parameter sets, the type specific methods on the various FlagSet definitions, such as Float32Var, do not have to be called by the client. For commands, AddCommand does not have to be called explicitly either.

πŸ’Ž Param Set

The rationale behind the concept of a parameter set came from initial discovery of how the Cobra api worked. Capturing user defined command line input requires binding option values into disparate variables. Having to manage independently defined variables usually at a package level could lead to a scattering of these variables on an adhoc basis. Having to then pass all these items independently into the core of a client application could easily become disorganised.

To manage this, the concept of a parameter set was introduced to bring about a consistency of design to the implementation of multiple cli applications. The aim of this is to reduce the number package level global variables that have to be managed. Instead of handling multiple option variables independently, the client can group them together into a parameter set.

Each Cobra command can define multiple parameter sets which reflects the different ways that a particular command can be invoked by the user. However, to reduce complexity, it's probably best to stick with a single parameter set per command. Option values not defined by the user can already be defaulted by the Cobra api itself, but it may be, that distinguishing the way that a command is invoked (ie what combination of flags/options appear on the command line) may be significant to the application, in which case the client can define multiple parameter sets.

The ParamSet also handles flag definition on each command. The client defines the flag info and passes this into the appropriate binder method depending on the option value type. There are 3 forms of binder methods:

πŸ“Œ The names of the BindValidated\\ methods are not always strictly in this form as sometimes it reads better with Op and Type being swapped around especially when one considers that there are Not versions of some commands. The reader is invited to review the Go package documentation to see the exact names.

πŸ’  Pseudo Enum

Since Go does not have built in support for enums, this feature has to be faked by the use of custom definitions. Typically these would be via int based type definitions. However, when developing a cli, attention has to be paid into how the user specifies discreet values and how they are interpreted as options.

There is a disparity between what the user would want to specify and how these values are represented internally by the application. Typically in code, we'd want to represent these values with longer more expressive names, but this is not necessarily user friendly. For example given the following pseudo enum definition:

type OutputFormatEnum int

const (
  _ OutputFormatEnum = iota

... how would we allow the user represent these values as options on the command line? We could require that the user specify the names exactly as above, but those names are not user friendly. Rather, we would prefer something simple like 'xml' to represent XmlFormatEn, but that would be unwise in code, because the name 'xml' is too generic and would more than likely clash with another identifier named xml in the package.

This is where the type EnumInfo comes into play. It allows us to provide a mapping between what the user would type in and how this value is represented internally.

πŸ‘ Enum Info

An EnumInfo instance for our pseudo enum type OutputFormatEnum can be created with NewEnumInfo as follows:

OutputFormatEnumInfo = assistant.NewEnumInfo(assistant.AcceptableEnumValues[OutputFormatEnum]{
  XmlFormatEn:      []string{"xml", "x"},
  JsonFormatEn:     []string{"json", "j"},
  TextFormatEn:     []string{"text", "tx"},
  ScribbleFormatEn: []string{"scribble", "scribbler", "scr"},

Points to note from the above:

πŸ‰ Enum Value

The client can create EnumValue variables from the EnumInfo as follows:

outputFormatEnum := OutputFormatEnumInfo.NewValue()

Points to note from the above:

🍈 Enum Slice

If an option value needs to be defined as a collection of enum values, then the client can make use of EnumSlice.

πŸ“Œ An enum slice is not the same as defining a slice of enums, eg []MyCustomEnum, because doing so in that manner would incorrectly replicate the 'parent' EnumInfo reference. Using EnumSlice, ensures that there is just a single EnumInfo reference for multiple enum values.

In the same way an EnumValue can be created off the EnumInfo, an EnumSlice can be created by invoking the NewSlice method off EnumInfo, eg:

outputFormatSlice := OutputFormatEnumInfo.NewSlice()

NewSlice contains various collection methods equivalent to it's value based (EnumValue) counterpart.

The Source member of EnumSlice is defined as a slice of string.

β˜‚οΈ Option Binding and Validation

The following sections describe the validation process, option validators and the helpers.

πŸ“Œ When using the option validators, there is no need to use the Cobra flag set methods (eg cmd.Flags().StringVarP) directly to define the flags for the command. This is taken care of on the client's behalf.

βœ… Validation Sequencing

The following is a checklist of actions that need to be performed:

var Container = assistant.NewCobraContainer(&cobra.Command{
  Use:   "root",
  Short: "foo bar",
  Long: "This is the root command.",
var rootCommand = Container.Root()

If a command is a descendent of a command other than the root, then this command should be registered using MustRegisterCommand instead. eg:

assuming a command with the name "foo", has already been registered

  Container.MustRegisterCommand("foo", widgetCommand)

πŸ“Œ Note, when using the Cobra Container to register commands, you do not need to use Cobra's AddCommand. The container takes care of this for you.

type WidgetParameterSet struct {
  Directory string
  Format    OutputFormatEnum
  Concise   bool
  Pattern   string
  paramSet = assistant.NewParamSet[WidgetParameterSet](widgetCommand)

The result of NewParamSet is an object that contains a member Native. This native member is the type of the parameter set that was defined, in this case WidgetParameterSet.

The members of an instance of this native param set will be used to bind to when binding values, eg:

    assistant.NewFlagInfo("directory", "d", "/foo-bar"),
    func(value string) error {
      if _, err := os.Stat(value); err != nil {
        if os.IsNotExist(err) {
            return err
      return nil

... and a specialisation for enum members:

  outputFormatEnum := outputFormatEnumInfo.NewValue()
    assistant.NewFlagInfo("format", "f", "xml"),
    func(value string) error {
      return nil

Note, because we can't bind directly to the native member of WidgetParameterSet, (that being Format in this case), since the user will be typing in a string value that is internally represented as an int based enum, we have to bind to Source, a string member of an EnumValue, ie &outputFormatEnum.Source in the above code snippet. Later on (step 7️⃣) we'll simply copy the value over from outputFormatEnum.Source to where its supposed to be, paramSet.Native.Format. Also, it should be noted that binding to outputFormatEnum.Source is just a convention, the client can bind to any other entity as long as its the correct type.

  Container.MustRegisterParamSet("widget-ps", paramSet)
  paramSet.Native.Format = outputFormatEnum.Value()
  RunE: func(command *cobra.Command, args []string) error {

    var appErr error = nil

    ps := Container.MustGetParamSet("widget-ps").(*assistant.ParamSet[WidgetParameterSet])

    if err := ps.Validate(); err == nil {
      native := ps.Native

      // rebind enum into native member
      native.Format = OutputFormatEn.Value()

      // optionally invoke cross field validation
      if xv := ps.CrossValidate(func(ps *WidgetParameterSet) error {
        condition := (ps.Format == XmlFormatEn)
        if condition {
          return nil
        return fmt.Errorf("format: '%v' is invalid", ps.Format)
      }); xv == nil {
      fmt.Printf("%v %v Running widget\n", AppEmoji, ApplicationName)
      // ---> execute application core with the parameter set (native)
      // appErr = runApplication(native)
      } else {
        return xv
    } else {
      return err

    return appErr

The validation may occur in 2 stages depending on whether cross field validation is required. To proceed, we need to obtain both the wrapper parameter set (ie container.ParamSet in this example) and the native parameter set native = ps.Native).

Also note how we retrieve the parameter set previously registered from the cobra container using the Native method. Since Native returns any, a type assertion has to be performed to get back the native type. If the param set you created using NewParamSet is in scope, then there is no need to query the container for it by name. It is just shown here this way, to illustrate how to proceed if parameter set was created in a local function/method and is therefore no longer in scope.

Option validation occurs first (ps.Validate()), then rebinding of enum members, if any (native.Format = outputFormatEnum.Value()), then cross field validation (xv := ps.CrossValidate), see Cross Field Validation.

If we have no errors at this point, we can enter the application, passing in the native parameters set.

The validation process will fail on the first error encountered and return that error. It is not mandatory to register the parameter set this way, it is there to help minimise the number of package global variables.

🎭 Alternative Flag Set

By default, binding a flag is performed on the default flag set. This flag set is the one you get from calling command.Flags() (this is performed automatically by NewFlagInfo). However, there are a few more options for defining flags in Cobra. There are multiple flag set methods on the Cobra command, eg command.PersistentFlags(). To utilise an alternative flag set, the client should use NewFlagInfoOnFlagSet instead of NewFlagInfo. NewFlagInfoOnFlagSet requires that an extra parameter be provided and that is the alternative flag set, which can be derived from calling the appropriate method on the command, eg:

    assistant.NewFlagInfoOnFlagSet("pattern", "p", "default-pattern",
      widgetCommand.PersistentFlags()), &paramSet.Native.Pattern,

The flag set defined for the flag (in the above case 'pattern'), will always override the default one defined on the parameter set.

β›” Option Validators

As previously described, the validator is a client defined type specific function that takes a single argument representing the option value to be validated. The function should return nil if valid, or an error describing the reason for validation failure.

There are multiple BindValidated methods on the ParamSet, all which relate to the different types supported. The binder method simply adds a wrapper around the function to be invoked later and adds that to an internal collection. The wrapper object is returned, but need not be consumed.

For enum validation, ParamSet contains a validator BindValidatedEnum. It is important to be aware that the validation occurs in the string domain not in the int domain as the reader might expect. So when a enum validator is defined, the function has to take a string parameter, not the native enum type.

The following is an example of how to define an enum validator:

  outputFormatEnum := outputFormatEnumInfo.NewValue()

  wrapper := paramSet.BindValidatedEnum(
    assistant.NewFlagInfo("format", "f", "xml"),
    func(value string) error {
      return lo.Ternary(outputFormatEnumInfo.IsValid(value), nil,
        fmt.Errorf("Enum value: '%v' is not valid", value))
  outputFormatEnum.Source = "xml"

The following points should be noted:

To bind a flag without a short name, the client can either:

  assistant.NewFlagInfo("format", "", "xml"),


      Name: "format",
      Usage: "format usage",
      Default: "xml",
    func(value string) error {
      return lo.Ternary(outputFormatEnumInfo.IsValid(value), nil,
        fmt.Errorf("Enum value: '%v' is not valid", value))

πŸ›‘οΈ Validator Helpers

As an alternative way of implementing option validation, the client can use the validation helpers defined based on type.

The following are the categories of helpers that have been provided:

Specialised for type:

Not versions of most methods have also been provided, so for example to get string not match, use 'BindValidatedStringIsNotMatch'. The Not functions that have been omitted are the ones which can easily be implemented by using the opposite operator. There are no Not versions of the comparison helpers, eg there is no 'BindValidatedIntNotGreaterThan' because that can be easily achieved using 'BindValidatedIntAtMost'.

There are also slice versions of some of the validators, to allow an option value to be defined as a collection of values. An example of a slice version is 'BindValidatedStringSlice'.

Our pseudo enums are a special case, because it is not possible to define generic versions of the binder methods where a generic parameter would be the client defined int based enum, there are no option validator helpers for enum types.

βš”οΈ Cross Field Validation

When the client needs to perform cross field validation, then ParamSet.CrossValidate should be invoked. Cross field validation is meant for checking option values of different flags, so that cross field constraints can be imposed. Contrary to option validators and validator helpers which are based upon checking values compare favourably against static boundaries, cross field validation is concerned with checking the dynamic value of options of different flags. The reader should be aware this is not about enforcing that all flags in a group are present or not. Those kinds of checks are already enforceable via Cobra's group checks. It may be that 1 option value must constrain the range of another option value. This is where cross field validation can be utilised.

The client should pass in a validator function, whose signature contains a pointer to the native parameter set, eg:

  result := paramSet.CrossValidate(func(ps *WidgetParameterSet) error {
    condition := (ps.Strike >= ps.Lower) && (ps.Strike <= ps.Higher)

    if condition {
      return nil
    return fmt.Errorf("strike: '%v' is out of range", ps.Strike)

The native parameter set, should be in its 'finalised' state. This means that all parameters should be bound in. So in the case of pseudo enum types, they should have been populated from temporary placeholder enum values. Recall from step 7️⃣ rebind enum values of Validation Sequencing, that enum members have to be rebound. Well this is what is meant by finalisation. Before cross field validation is invoked, make sure that the enum members are correctly set. This way, you can be sure that the cross field validator is working with the correct state of the native parameter set. The validator can work in the 'enum domain' as opposed to checking raw string values, eg:

  result := paramSet.CrossValidate(func(ps *WidgetParameterSet) error {
    condition := (ps.Format == XmlFormatEn)
    if condition {
      return nil
    return fmt.Errorf("format: '%v' is invalid", ps.Format)

This is a rather contrived example, but the important part of it is the use of the enum field ps.Format.

🧰 Developer Info

For an example of how to use Cobrass with a Cobra cli, please see the template project πŸ¦„ arcadia

πŸ₯‡ Task Runner

Uses Taskfile. A simple Taskfile.yml has been defined in the root dir of the repo and defines tasks that make building and running Ginkgo commands easier to perform.

✨ Code Generation

Please see Powershell Code Generation

πŸ§ͺ Unit Testing

Ginkgo is the bbd testing style of choice used in Cobrass. I have found it to be a total revelation to work with, in all aspects except 1, which was discovered well after I had gone all in on Ginkgo. I am using the Ginkgo test explorer in vscode and while it is good at exploring tests, running them and even generating coverage with little fuss, the single fly in the ointment is that debugging test cases is currently difficult to achieve:

Starting: /home/plastikfan/go/bin/dlv dap --check-go-version=false --listen= --log-dest=3 from /home/plastikfan/dev/github/go/snivilised/cobrass/src/assistant
DAP server listening at:
Type 'dlv help' for list of commands.
Running Suite: Adapters Suite - /home/plastikfan/dev/github/go/snivilised/cobrass/src/assistant
Random Seed: 1657619476

Will run 0 of 504 specs

Ran 0 of 504 Specs in 0.016 seconds
SUCCESS! -- 0 Passed | 0 Failed | 0 Pending | 504 Skipped
You're using deprecated Ginkgo functionality:
  --ginkgo.debug is deprecated
  Learn more at:
  --ginkgo.reportFile is deprecated, use --ginkgo.junit-report instead
  Learn more at:

To silence deprecations that can be silenced set the following environment variable:

So vscode, debugging remains an issue. (Please raise an issue, if you have a solution to this problem!)