About this Repo
This is a fork repo from https://github.com/docker-library/php.
The diffrent from the origin one is that :
- PHP in this docker is compiled with many usefull php-exts for delvelpment. So, don't use it for production.
All Exts
- bcmath
- bz2
- calendar
- Core
- ctype
- curl
- date
- dba
- dom
- ereg
- ev
- exif
- fileinfo
- filter
- ftp
- gd
- gettext
- hash
- iconv
- igbinary
- imagick
- imap
- intl
- json
- libxml
- mbstring
- mcrypt
- memcached
- mysqli
- mysqlnd
- openssl
- pcntl
- pcre
- pdo_mysql
- pdo_pgsql
- pdo_sqlite
- pgsql
- phalcon https://github.com/phalcon/cphalcon
- Phar
- posix
- readline
- recode
- redis
- Reflection
- session
- shmop
- SimpleXML
- soap
- sockets
- solr
- sqlite3
- standard
- swoole
- sysvmsg
- sysvsem
- sysvshm
- tidy
- tokenizer
- wddx
- xml
- xmlreader
- xmlrpc
- xmlwriter
- xsl
- zip
- zlib
- Xdebug
- Zend OPcache
You can directly use my images from docker hub:
$ docker pull snowair/php-fpm:5.6
$ docker pull snowair/php-fpm:7.0
$ docker pull snowair/php-fpm:7.1