snowe2010 / pretty-print

pretty print module for the jvm
MIT License
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hacktoberfest java java-library kotlin kotlin-library

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== pretty-print - pp

Adds a pp(Any?) and T.pp() method to pretty print any Java or Kotlin object.

pp(Any?) takes any object and prints it in a pretty format.

T.pp() pretty prints inside a method chain when called on an object inline.

[%header,cols="1,3a"] |=== |Approach |Instruction

|Gradle |[source,groovy]

testImplementation "com.tylerthrailkill.helpers:pretty-print:{version}"

|Gradle Kotlin DSL |[source,kotlin]


|Maven |[source,xml]

com.tylerthrailkill.helpers pretty-print {version}


== API

`pp(obj: Any?, indent: Int = 2, writeTo: Appendable = System.out, wrappedLineWidth: Int = 80)

[%header,cols="1a,3a,1a"] |=== |Parameter |Description |Default

obj object to print

|indent |changes the number of spaces used to indent each level of the output |2

|writeTo |changes the Appendable you are printing to |System.out

|wrappedLineWidth |changes the number of characters allowed before wrapping in a multiline string |80 |===

== Examples

=== Main API

.Top Level Method [%collapsible]


data class TinyObject(var int: Int) pp(TinyObject(1))


TinyObject( int = 1 )


.Inline method [%collapsible]


data class TinyObject(var int: Int) fun callSomething(obj: Any?) { println("inline wrapper function entered") } callSomething(TinyObject(1).pp())


TinyObject( int = 1 ) inline wrapper function entered


=== Other uses

.List [%collapsible]


pp(listOf("1", 2, 3.0, true))


[ "1", 2, 3.0, true ]


.Object with list [%collapsible]


data class OL(val list: List) pp(OL(listOf("1")))


OL( list = [ "1" ] )


.Map [%collapsible]


pp(mapOf("key1" to "value1", "key2" to "value2"))


{ "key1" -> "value1", "key2" -> "value2" }


.Object with map [%collapsible]


data class OM(val map: Map<Any, Any>) pp(OM(mapOf(1 to "value", "key" to 1)))


OM( map = { 1 -> "value", "key" -> 1 } )


.Multiline strings [%collapsible]


pp("Goodbye, cruel world. Goodbye, cruel lamp.", wrappedLineWidth = 22)


""" Goodbye, cruel world. Goodbye, cruel lamp. """


.Multiline strings with unicode line breaking [%collapsible]


pp("Goodbye, cruel world. Good­bye, cruel lamp.", wrappedLineWidth = 27)


""" Goodbye, cruel world. Good­ bye, cruel lamp. """


pp("😍️🥞😍️", wrappedLineWidth = 3)


""" 😍️ 🥞 😍️ """


.Multiple fields [%collapsible]


pp(SmallObject("Goodbye, cruel world. Goodbye, cruel lamp.", 1))


SmallObject( field1 = "Goodbye, cruel world. Goodbye, cruel lamp." field2 = 1 )


.Different indent size [%collapsible]


data class TinyObject(var int: Int) pp(TinyObject(1), tabSize = 0)


TinyObject( int = 1 )


data class TinyObject(var int: Int) pp(TinyObject(1), tabSize = 10)


TinyObject( int = 1 )


.Different output stream [%collapsible]


val stream = ByteArrayOutputStream() pp(TinyObject(1), printStream = PrintStream(stream)) println(":::") print(stream.toString()) println(":::")


::: TinyObject( int = 1 ) :::


.Cyclic references [%collapsible]


data class O1(var c: O2? = null) data class O2(var c: O1? = null) val sco1 = O1() val sco2 = O2(sco1) sco1.c = sco2 pp(sco1)


O1( c = O2( c = cyclic reference detected for 50699452 ) )[$id=50699452]


== ToDo