snowpackdata / website

Code to manage the snowpack website
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Internal Billing Page #44

Open nathanaelrobinson opened 3 months ago

nathanaelrobinson commented 3 months ago

Internal Billing Page

This billing page will allow us to track the status of "bills" that are generated for staff members. The logic to collate and generate these bills already exists in the Cronos application. When an invoice is marked as "paid" by the customer, individual bills are then generated for the staff members contributing to the project.

We'd like this UI to show us a couple key items

  1. Actively generated bills split by state (Created/Paid/Void)
  2. Links to the PDF bills
  3. Owners/Date information regarding the Bill
  4. A simple UI button to "combine" bills. This endpoint will need to be created in Cronos. The idea here is that if someone has worked on multiple projects (say 3), we don't need to pay them 3x, but rather should create a new bill with three line items, representing the entries from each of the respective bills, and then void the original three bills. Under the hood we will need to match the dates of this Bill to account for the earliest start, and latest end of the three bills generated.