snowpackdata / website

Code to manage the snowpack website
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Code to manage the snowpack website.


To install and run this application locally, follow these steps:

  1. Go download the latest version of Go from here
  2. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  3. Navigate to the project directory in your terminal

To Run the Application you will need to run the go executable. First you will need the necessary secrets and a cloudsql proxy connection

  1. Download the cloudsqlproxy executable if you haven't already.
  2. Install the google cloud cli on your computer.
  3. Authenticate your account via your Snowpack email by running gcloud auth application-default login
  4. Start the google cloud proxy ~/cloud-sql-proxy --port 3306 snowpack-368423:us-central1:cronos
  5. Run go run . from the root github directory to build and run the executable file.


Get access to the bitwarden password account and add the variables in the Secure Note titled "Snowpack Website" to your .zshrc file

Developing Locally

Make sure you go uncomment the migration function in main.go Make sure you have the following environment variables set, the secrets will come from bitwarden


Contributing a Blog Post

To add a new Blog Post to the site, please follow these steps:

  1. Create a new branch for your blog post
  2. Create the relevant json and html files. Make sure to grab a free image that is unique to your blog post you can try a site like unsplash. Make sure to increment the ID of your blog post and add relevant tags.
  3. Test your changes to ensure they work as expected.
  4. Create a PR to put it up for review, and make sure the checks pass.
  5. Once you merge, go to github actions and run the action: Deploy to Google App Engine