snowplow-archive / python-data-science-environment

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Python Data Science environment

VM with complete Python data science without any faff.


Assuming git, Vagrant and VirtualBox installed:

 host$ git clone
 host$ cd python-data-science-environment
 host$ vagrant up

This will launch a VM, install on it Python on it including all the libraries commonly associated with doing data-science with Python. You then simply need to ssh on:

host$ vagrant ssh

Start ipython

guest$ /home/vagrant/python-data-science-environment/bin/ipython notebook --ip= --no-browser

And then navigate to http://localhost:8888 on the host



Data-science requires lots of RAM - this VM has been built on the basis it is run on a host with 16GB of RAM. (It takes 10GB for the VM.)

To adjust the amount of RAM used, update the following line in the Vagrantfile prior to executing vagrant up:

    vb.memory = 10240