snowplow / scala-maxmind-iplookups

Scala client for MaxMind Geo-IP
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Scala MaxMind IP Lookups

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This is a Scala wrapper for the MaxMind Java Geo-IP2 library. The main benefits of using this wrapper over directly calling the Java library from Scala are:

  1. Provides a common interface to four MaxMind databases - it works with MaxMind's databases for looking up geographic location, ISP, domain, and connection type from an IP address
  2. Better type safety - the MaxMind Java library is somewhat null-happy. This wrapper uses Option-boxing wherever possible
  3. Better performance - as well as or instead of using MaxMind's own caching (CHMCache), you can also configure an LRU (Least Recently Used) cache of variable size


The latest version of scala-maxmind-iplookups is 0.8.1 and is compatible with Scala 2.13.

Add this to your SBT config:

val maxmindIpLookups = "com.snowplowanalytics" %% "scala-maxmind-iplookups" % "0.8.1"

Retrieve the GeoLite2-City.mmdb file from the MaxMind downloads page (direct link).

MaxMind also has databases for looking up ISPs, domain names, and connection types from IP addresses. Scala MaxMind IP Lookups supports all of these.


See the scaladoc for the full API reference.

Here is a simple usage example, performing just a geographic lookup and not the ISP, domain, or connection type lookups:

import cats.effect.IO
import com.snowplowanalytics.maxmind.iplookups.IpLookups

val result = (for {
  ipLookups <- CreateIpLookups[IO].createFromFilenames(
    geoFile = Some("/opt/maxmind/GeoLite2-City.mmdb"),
    ispFile = None,
    domainFile = None,
    connectionTypeFile = None,
    memCache = false,
    lruCacheSize = 20000
  lookup <- ipLookups.performLookups("")
} yield lookup).unsafeRunSync()

result.ipLocation match {
  case Some(Right(loc)) =>
    println(loc.countryCode)   // => "CN"
    println(loc.countryName)   // => "China"
  case _ =>
    println("Lookup failed")

cats.Id is also supported:

import cats.Id

val idResult: IpLookupResult = {
  val ipLookups = CreateIpLookups[Id].createFromFilenames(
    geoFile = Some("/opt/maxmind/GeoLite2-City.mmdb")
    ispFile = None,
    domainFile = None,
    connectionTypeFile = None,
    memCache = false,
    lruCacheSize = 20000

Note that GeoLite2-City.mmdb is updated by MaxMind each month.

For further usage examples for Scala MaxMind IP Lookups, please see the tests in IpLookupsTest.scala. The test suite uses test databases provided by MaxMind.

Implementation details

IpLookups constructor

The signature is as follows:

final case class IpLookups(
  geoFile: Option[File],
  ispFile: Option[File],
  domainFile: Option[File],
  connectionTypeFile: Option[File],
  memCache: Boolean = true,
  lruCache: Int = 10000

CreateIpLookups proposes an alternative constructor which takes Option[String] as file paths to the databases instead:

def createFromFilenames(
  geoFile: Option[String],
  ispFile: Option[String],
  domainFile: Option[String],
  connectionTypeFile: Option[String],
  memCache: Boolean = true,
  lruCache: Int = 10000

The first four arguments are the MaxMind databases from which the lookup should be performed. geoFile, ispFile, domainFile, and connectionTypeFile refer respectively to MaxMind's databases for looking up location, ISP, domain, and connection type based on an IP address. They are all wrapped in Option, so if you don't have access to all of them, just pass in None as in the example above.

In both signatures, the memCache flag is set to true by default. This flag enables MaxMind's own caching (CHMCache).

The lruCache value defaults to 10000 - meaning Scala MaxMind IP Lookups will maintain an LRU cache of 10,000 values, which it will check prior to making a MaxMind lookup. To disable the LRU cache, set its size to zero, i.e. lruCache = 0.

Returned value

The performLookups(ip) method returns a:

final case class IpLookupResult(
  ipLocation: Option[Either[Throwable, IpLocation]],
  isp: Option[Either[Throwable, String]],
  organization: Option[Either[Throwable, String]],
  domain: Option[Either[Throwable, String]],
  connectionType: Option[Either[Throwable, String]]

The first element is the result of the geographic location lookup. It is either None (if no geographic lookup database was provided) or Some(ipLocation), where ipLocation is an instance of the IpLocation case class described below. The other three elements in the tuple are Options wrapping the results of the other four possible lookups: ISP, organization, domain, and connection type.

Note that enabling providing an ISP database will return an organization in addition to an isp.

IpLocation case class

The geographic lookup returns an IpLocation case class instance with the following structure:

final case class IpLocation(
  countryCode: String,
  countryName: String,
  region: Option[String],
  city: Option[String],
  latitude: Float,
  longitude: Float,
  timezone: Option[String],
  postalCode: Option[String],
  metroCode: Option[Int],
  regionName: Option[String],
  isInEuropeanUnion: Boolean,
  continent: String,
  accuracyRadius: Int

An example using multiple databases

This example shows how to do a lookup using all four databases.

import com.snowplowanalytics.maxmind.iplookups.IpLookups

val lookupResult = (for {
  ipLookups <- CreateIpLookups[IO].createFromFilenames(
    geoFile = Some("/opt/maxmind/GeoLite2-City.mmdb"),
    ispFile = Some("/opt/maxmind/GeoIP2-ISP.mmdb"),
    domainFile = Some("/opt/maxmind/GeoIP2-Domain.mmdb"),
    connectionType = Some("/opt/maxmind/GeoIP2-Connection-Type.mmdb"),
    memCache = false,
    lruCache = 10000
  lookupResult <- ipLookups.performLookups("")
} yield lookupResult).unsafeRunSync()

// Geographic lookup
println(lookupResult.ipLocation).map(_.countryName) // => Some(Right("United States"))
println(lookupResult.ipLocation).map(_.regionName)  // => Some(Right("Florida"))

// ISP lookup
println(lookupResult.isp) // => Some(Right("FDN Communications"))

// Organization lookup
println(lookupResult.organization) // => Some(Right("DSLAM WAN Allocation"))

// Domain lookup
println(lookupResult.domain) // => Some(Right(""))

// Connection type lookup
println(lookupResult.connectionType) // => Some(Right("Dialup"))

LRU cache

We recommend trying different LRU cache sizes to see what works best for you.

Building etc

Assuming you already have SBT installed:

$ git clone git://
$ cd scala-maxmind-iplookups
$ sbt test
[info] Passed: : Total 276, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 276, Skipped 0

GeoLite Legacy discontinuation

Maxmind are discontinuing updates for the GeoLite Legacy databases in April 2018.

We will be discontinuing updates to the GeoLite Legacy databases as of April 1, 2018. You will still be able to download the April 2018 release until January 2, 2019. GeoLite Legacy users will need to update their integrations in order to switch to the free GeoLite2 or commercial GeoIP databases by April 2018.

For more information, please visit our Support Center.

In addition, in 2019, latitude and longitude coordinates in the GeoLite2 databases will be removed.* Latitude and longitude coordinates will continue to be provided in GeoIP2 databases. Please check back for updates.

As such we recommend upgrading to version 0.4.0 as soon as possible

Copyright and license

Copyright 2012-2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.