sntgopl / API-Pokemon-Instagram

API based website, built with webpack, ES6 syntax and modules and dynamic HTML created with JS.
MIT License
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Interactive Pokedex, with all the information for the 300 pokemons, it's abilities and attritubes, and more! Get your Pokedex and become a master Pokemon!

Built With

GitHub, GitFlow, Visual Studio Code, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Webpack, Jest, Gitflow

Getting Started

Welcome to our new Pokedex! Working with new methodology por interactive flow of data, linked with an API to collect information on all Pokemons. Saving the data locally and rendering all cards and each of it's details. You can like your favorites and also leave comments! Come check it out! To get a local copy up and running please download the zip file or clone it via git

Live Demo

Click here!

Live Presentation


Clone and review it

Run the following commands to clone and run it.

To clone the repository

To Install Packages

npm install

To run project on local server

npm start





Contributions, issues, and reviews are very welcome!


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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.