Closed lain1936 closed 8 years ago
`(Mix) You're trying to run :scrapex on Elixir v1.2.3 but it has declared in its mix.exs file it supports
only Elixir ~> 1.1.1`
I changed Elixir ~> 1.2,but when running the eg. It seems the request async task's response doesn't work as expect.
`iex(5)> {:ok, spider} = GenSpider.start_link(StackOverflowSpider, [], opts)
13:29:23.242 [debug] Starts a spider immediately \ (EXIT from #PID<0.224.0>) :undef
Interactive Elixir (1.2.3) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help) iex(1)> `
`(Mix) You're trying to run :scrapex on Elixir v1.2.3 but it has declared in its mix.exs file it supports
only Elixir ~> 1.1.1`
I changed Elixir ~> 1.2,but when running the eg. It seems the request async task's response doesn't work as expect.
`iex(5)> {:ok, spider} = GenSpider.start_link(StackOverflowSpider, [], opts)
13:29:23.242 [debug] Starts a spider immediately \ (EXIT from #PID<0.224.0>) :undef
Interactive Elixir (1.2.3) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help) iex(1)> `