sntran / scrapex

An Elixir open source and collaborative framework for extracting the data you need from websites. In a fast, simple, yet extensible way. Or just an experiment writing a scraper in Elixir to scratch my own itch. Use at your own risk.
MIT License
17 stars 2 forks source link


An open source and collaborative framework for extracting the data you need from websites. In a fast, simple, yet extensible way.


Fast and powerful

Write the rules to extract the data and let Scrapex do the rest.

Easily extensible

Extensible by design, plug new functionality easily without having to touch the core.

Portable, Elixir

Written in Elixir and runs on Linux, Windows, Mac, BSD, and embedded devices.

Build your own webcrawlers

alias Scrapex.GenSpider
defmodule StackOverflowSpider do
  use GenSpider
  import Scrapex.Selector

  def parse(response, state) do
    result = response.body
    |> select(".question-summary h3 a")
    |> extract("href")
    |> ->
      GenSpider.Response.url_join(response, href)
      |> GenSpider.request(&parse_question/1)
      |> GenSpider.await
    {:ok, result, state}

  defp parse_question({:ok, response}) do
    html = response.body
    [title] = html |> select("h1 a") |> extract()
    question = html |> select(".question")
    [body] = question |> select(".post-text") |> extract
    [votes] = question |> select(".vote-count-post") |> extract
    tags = question |> select(".post-tag") |> extract

    %{title: title, body: body, votes: votes, tags: tags}
urls = [""]
opts = [name: :stackoverflow_spider, urls: urls]
{:ok, spider} = GenSpider.start_link(StackOverflowSpider, [], opts)
questions = GenSpider.export(spider)
#=> "[{} | _]"