snyk-labs / snyk-issues-to-html

Export Snyk report issues to HTML
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Snyk Reported Issues to HTML export

This command line utility uses the Snyk API to export the list of all reported issues for an organization to a static HTML page.

How do I use it?

Install or clone

First, Install the Snyk JSON to HTML Mapper using npm:

npm install snyk-issues-to-html -g

Alternatively, you can skip this step, clone this repository and run the script locally (using node ./bin/cli.js)

Generate the HTML report

Get an API Token

You will need the following information to access the API:

  1. A Snyk account with an API access enabled
  2. The Snyk API token

Make the token available via the SNYK_TOKEN environment variable, or pass it as an option to the CLI via the --token "12345" command option.

Export a report

The following will export a default filtering of reported issues for the organization associated with this API token:

snyk-issues-to-html --token "1234"

Customizing the issues filter

Create a JSON configuration file in the following format with your own customization for the filters:

filename: snyk-issues-filters.json

  "filters": {
    "date": {
      "from": "2019-01-01",
      "to": "2019-10-01"
    "orgs": ["a-b-c-d-e"],
    "severity": ["high", "medium", "low"],
    "types": ["vuln", "license"],
    "languages": [
    "ignored": false,
    "patched": false,
    "fixable": false,
    "isFixed": false,
    "isUpgradable": false,
    "isPatchable": false

and export it:

snyk-issues-to-html --token "1234" --config snyk-issues-filters.json

View the HTML report

Simply open your new file (snyk-reported-issues.html above) in a browser, and rejoice.


License: Apache License, Version 2.0