snyk-tech-services / snyk2spdx

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Snyk snyk2spdx

Inactively Maintained

This repository is in maintenance mode, no new features are being developed. Bug & security fixes will continue to be delivered. Open source contributions are welcome for small features & fixes (no breaking changes)

Convert the Snyk CLI output to SPDX format. Note: This repository is not in active developemnt and critical bug fixes only will be considered.


snyk2spdx does not support using the --all-projects flag with snyk test. Please use only snyk test


  snyk2spdx snyk:test  Convert `snyk test --json` output to SPDX SBOM  [default]

  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]
  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]
  --output   Save the output to the specified file name. Defaults to stdout