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Ansible and Docker based project for managing my personal infrastructure at home using IaC methodologies
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ansible docker iac infrastructure infrastructure-as-code

Infrastructure of

All the necessary instructions, docker files, scripts, etc. necessary for building my self hosted server (almost) from scratch.

Table of Contents

Important notice

As this project is in constant flux and I am the sole contributor, please bear in mind that this README could become out of sync with the actual repository content. You should also remember that the documentation and files present are firstly made for my own use. As such, I won't be responsible for any issue you might have when trying to reproduce my setup, and you should probably at least have some grasp of how to use Linux, Docker and Ansible before attempting this. That said, I am open to offer some help to adventurous people trying to make use of this repository.


As an avid self-hoster, I depend on my server for a plethora of everyday tasks. This repository includes everything I need to deploy all the services necessary for said tasks. Once fully operational, this servers allows me to, among other things:

The list of services used and how to deploy them can be found under The stacks


Here is the hardware currently used by the machine that runs everything listed in here. Please note that this does not serve as a required or min specs list but is rather provided as additional information.

Most of the hardware was actually scavenged from a previous gaming PC build. Recycling yay!


Getting started

Clone the repos on the client machine (the one with Ansible installed) and cd into it:

git clone && cd

Run the setup script:


This script will do the following:

  1. Set a pre-commit hook to prevent you from making commits without encrypting the Ansible vaults first.
  2. Install the Ansible, Vagrant and other requirements.
  3. Create the ansible password file for encrypting and decrypting the vaults. You will be asked for the encryption key. The generated file (.vault_pass) should of course never be committed.

To build the test virtual machine, run:

vagrant up

This should create a virtual machine and provision it with Ansible. If you are satisfied with the results, change the hosts/prod.yml Ansible inventory file so it points to your own server, then rename the host_vars/ folder to your server hostname or ip address (whatever you put in the inventory file) and change the variables files found in this folder for your use. Finally, apply the changes to your server by running:

ansible-playbook setup-deploy.yml -i=hosts/prod.yml

Playbooks descriptions

Playbooks follow the context-action.yml filename scheme. As such, they are ordered by context. For each demonstrated command, parts in [] are optional, additional variables, and comma separated list in {} indicate possible values for such variables (where applicable).

For each playbook, multiple environments are available and should be configured for your use case. ENvironments are defined as inventory files in /hosts. There are currently 3 environments:

The dev environment is the default one: if you don't specify the environment to use, all playbooks will be run against this one. You can specify the inventory with the -i flag:

ansible-playbook <playbook_file.yml> -i hosts/<inventory_file.yml>

Setup playbooks

Setup - deploy

Use this playbook to deploy a fresh instance of the server. For example, to have a fresh instance on staging use:

ansible-playbook setup-deploy.yml [-e "docker_compose_state={present,absent,restarted} stacks_deploy_list=['backbone','nextcloud']"]

Setup - restore

Restore a previous server backup from scratch. This is useful for disaster recovery.

ansible-playbook setup-restore.yml [-e "restic_server={local,remote} stacks_deploy_list=['backbone','nextcloud']"]

The playbook requires user input during execution to choose the file backup and then database backups to restore.

Server playbooks

Server - wol (Wake-on-LAN)

Sends a magic packet to wake supported servers on LAN. The backup server is the sole server having this capability at the moment.

ansible-playbook [-i hosts/prod.yml] server-wol.ansible.yml

Server - wipe

Completely wipes the apps server, stopping all applications and destroying all the data. This is usually only used during development, as a faster way to iterate without having to fully recreate the VM.

ansible-playbook server-wipe.ansible.yml

Server - reboot

Reboots the server(s). It is recommended to use the --limit flag to only apply this to a single group, as you usually don't want to reboot all your servers but only one at a time.

ansible-playbook server-reboot.yml [--limit={apps,backup}] [-e "reboot_delay=300 prevent_apps_restart={true,false}"]

Server - shutdown

Shutdowns the server(s). It is recommended to use the --limit flag to only apply this to a single group, as you usually don't want to shutdown all your servers but only one at a time.

ansible-playbook server-shutdown.yml [--limit={apps,backup}] [-e "shutdown_delay=300"]

Server - gather facts

Gather all facts about all servers and output them to console.

ansible-playbook -i hosts/prod.yml server-gather-facts.ansible.yml [--limit={apps,backup,dns}]

Stacks playbooks

Stacks - deploy

Deploys all stacks to the app server.

ansible-playbook stacks-deploy.yml [-e "docker_compose_state={present,absent,restarted} stacks_deploy_list=['backbone','nextcloud']"]

Stacks - manage

Changes the state of specific stacks.

ansible-playbook stacks-manage.yml [-e "stacks_state={present,absent,restarted} stacks_include_str='nextcloud restic' stacks_exclude_str='speedtest photoprism'"]

Backup playbooks

Backup - run

Backs up the server.

ansible-playbook backup-run.yml [-e "backup_skip_databases={true,false} backup_skip_files={true,false} backup_files_skip_local={true,false} backup_files_skip_remote={true,false}"]

Backup - restore

Restores a server backup.

ansible-playbook backup-restore.yml [-e "backup_skip_files={true,false} backup_skip_databases={true,false} restic_server={local,remote} db_restore_include=['nextcloud', 'photoprism'] db_restore_exclude=['recipes']"]

Backup - check

Checks all snapshots.

ansible-playbook [-i hosts/prod.yml] backup-check.ansible.yml [-e "restic_server={local,remote}"]

Backup - list snapshots

List all available snapshots.

ansible-playbook [-i hosts/prod.yml] backup-list-snapshots.ansible.yml [-e "restic_server={local,remote}"]

Backup - get logs

Get logs of latest backup run

ansible-playbook [-i hosts/prod.yml] backup-get-logs.ansible.yml [-e "restic_server={local,remote}"]

Snapraid playbooks

Snapraid - runner execute

Executes the snapraid-runner on the apps server.

ansible-playbook [-i hosts/prod.yml ]snapraid-runner-execute.ansible.yml [-e "snapraid_runner_ignore_threshold=true skip_healthcheck=true"]

Snapraid - get logs

Retrieves logs from the latest snapraid run.

ansible-playbook [-i hosts/prod.yml] snapraid-get-logs.ansible.yml

Stacks specific playbooks

Nextcloud occ

Runs an occ command inside the Nextcloud instance. The command is prompted before executing it. It should not contain the occ part but only its args.

ansible-playbook [-i hosts/prod.yml] nextcloud-occ.ansible.yml

Minecraft execute

Runs a command inside the Minecraft console. The command is prompted before executing it.

ansible-playbook [-i hosts/prod.yml] minecraft-execute.ansible.yml

Server schedule

All times are on the Europe/Brussels timezone.

Morning schedule

00:00 01:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00
nextcloud db dump snapraid restic to local restic to remote
gitea db dump
recipes db dump

Additional scheduled events