snystrom / cutNrun-pipeline

Analysis pipeline for CUT&RUN Data. Currently configured for use in the McKay Lab at UNC, but extensible elsewhere by changing configuration files.
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CUT&RUN Pipeline

Author: Spencer Nystrom, Chris Uyehara, Jeanne-Marie McPherson

Quick Start:

Clone pipeline (Current stable version: v1.7.2)

git clone --branch v1.7.2 --depth 1 && cd cutNrun-pipeline/ && rm -rf .git

Create sampleInfo.tsv (see below) with descriptive columns of data. Note: fastq_r1 and fastq_r2 columns are required.

sample  rep fastq_r1    fastq_r2
mySample    Rep1    path/to/mySample_R1.fastq.gz    path/to/mySample_R2.fastq.gz

edit config.json and set baseNameColumns to each column of sampleInfo.tsv which describes individual replicates (pipeline will automatically pool technical replicates).

Set desired reference and spike-in genome in config.json (see below). Set multiple spike-in genomes by passing as an array (e.g. ["sacCer3", "droYak2"]).

    "sampleInfo" : "sampleInfo.tsv",
    "sampleInfoDelimiter" : "\t",
    "baseNameColumns" : ["sample", "rep"],
    "refGenome" : "dm6",
    "spikeGenome" : "sacCer3",
    "readLen" : 75

Edit slurmConfig.json to configure default parameters if necessary.

Deploy submission with sh

Description of Pipeline Steps

This pipeline in implemented in Snakemake, a workflow manager for handling job dependencies and submissions to HPC clusters. Snakemake will automate the job submission process for each sample individually and will therefore often run some of these steps seemingly out of order. Below is described the general flow of information through the pipeline. In some instances many jobs are handled by snakemake to accomplish a single defined "step" below.

The rules found in the Snakefile for this pipeline are written generally in the order in which they happen from top to bottom. See there for more detail.

  1. combine technical replicates
    • Autodetects technical replicates and pools reads for alignment
  2. adapter trimming using bbduk
    • soft-clips illumina adapters from reads
  3. Build combined reference + spike-in genome for alignment
    • chromosomes for each species are prefixed as: "{species}_{chromosome}"
  4. Alignment with bowtie2
  5. Conversion to Bam format & removing reads with QUAL score < 5 (samtools)
  6. Mark and remove PCR Duplicates using picard
  7. Split out reads from each species into individual bam files scripts/
    • chromosomes for each species are renamed to their original forms
    • Bam headers for each split file will still contain references to other spike-in chromosomes in form: "{species}_{chromosome}"
  8. Sort Bam file & convert to bed format with bedtools
  9. Split small (20-120bp) and large (150-700bp) fragments into 2 bed files with awk
  10. Make coverage files (bigwig format) from allFragments, small Fragments, large Fragments with bedtools. Generates unnormalized, RPGC-normalized, and spike-in normalized files.
    • Spike-in normalization is performed separately for each spike-in genome. Files are listed as "{species}"
  11. Z-score normalize bigwig files (zNorm.R)
  12. Call traditional peaks with MACS2 and call peaks using threshold peak-calling with callThresholdPeaks.R
  13. Make fragment-size distribution plots for each sample (makeFragsizePlot.R)
  14. Compute QC metrics for all samples using FastQC, and multiqc

Sample Info Requirements

The sampleInfo file's purpose is to describe each experiment in as much detail as desired. An arbitrary number of sample descriptive columns can be created. Helpful columns can include: replicate number, genotype, antibody, library prep batch, developmental stage, etc. Consider adding columns for any variable (technical or biological) that may be useful in downstream analysis, as these will be appended to the resulting sampleSheet.tsv output of the pipeline which acts as a useful input in downstream analyses.

A minimal sampleInfo file looks as follows (here in tab-separated format).

sample  rep fastq_r1    fastq_r2
mySample    Rep1    path/to/mySample_R1.fastq.gz    path/to/mySample_R2.fastq.gz

The fastq_r1 and fastq_r2 columns point to the location of one pair of fastq files for a sample described on that row. Technical replicates (i.e. deeper sequencing of the same library) should be added as their own row with the same column values except for the fastq file paths.

Note: The current version of this pipeline (v1.7.2 as of this writing) only works with the .fastq.gz file format.

The sampleInfo file can be delimited with any delimiter (default is tab-delimited). To tell the pipeline which delimiter is being used, set the sampleInfoDelimiter flag in config.json. For example, to use csv format set the following: "sampleInfoDelimiter" : ","",.

config.json Requirements

config.json describes pipeline-specific variables in json format.

The config file is broken up into 3 sections:

run config

The variables in the top few lines of the file describe run-specific information.

sampleInfo the path to the sampleInfo.tsv file if located somewhere other than the pipeline directory.

sampleInfoDelimiter the delimiter used in the sampleInfo file. Default: "\t"

baseNameColumns a list describing the columns from sampleInfo that distinguish replicates from eachother. The listed columns will be combined together and used to name all downstream files from each sample. The combination of these columns will also be used to detect and pool reads from technical replicates. WARNING: this means that any samples which evaluate to the same combination of columns will be combined into a single sample. Be sure to use enough descriptive columns to uniquely identify each separate sample.

refGenome the genome to align samples to as the reference. Must be a value from the genome section. NOTE: there is currently no error checking to ensure this value is found in "genome" (see #28).

spikeGenome genome to be used as a spike-in normalization. Must be found in genome. To use multiple genomes, pass as an array (e.g. ["sacCer3", "droYak2"]) NOTE: no error checking currently (see #28).

readLen read length. If using variable read-lengths set to the smallest value. Used in normalizing coverage files. Will update in future to allow sample-specific read-length adjustment. (see #25).

genome config

This section is a nested structure which points to the absolute path to the bowtie index, whole genome fasta file, UCSC-format chrom.sizes file, control file for peak calling, and a value to set the genome size.

For Reference genomes the bowtie, chrSize, controlDNAPath, and genomeSize parameters must be set.

Note: calling peaks with MACS2 against a controlDNA file is probably not the best control for CUT&RUN data. This is a holdover from other FAIRE and ATAC pipelines we kept to account for copynumber variation, etc. The controlDNAPath setting is therefore not required per se. If you wanted to leave this out for now, simply set the value to "" then set the -k flag in and accept that the peak calling step will fail for all samples. Alternatively, edit the peak calling step. (See #29)

For Spike-in genomes only the bowtie and fasta parameters are required.

Adding New Genomes To quickly add a genome, copy an existing entry and paste it below another after the }, line. Edit the settings from there. To add a new spike-in genome, all that is needed is a fasta entry pointing to a whole genome fasta file where each entry is 1 chromosome.

module config

This setting describes the software versions for each software package used in the pipeline. UNC uses the Lmod package to manage packages, so these strings represent the {package} string when calling module load {package}. For adapting to a new computing environment, these values will need to be changed accordingly.

Local software dependencies

We run a pipeline step using FastQ Screen to detect common contaminants. We use a locally installed version and thus point to its path and the path of its config file in fqscreenPath and fqscreenConf, respectively.

We use a local install of mlr to parse certain log files. Download the appropriate binary from the github release page & set the location in mlrPath in config.json.


Consider setting --rerun-incomplete in the Snakemake call in when initially implementing the pipeline on a new compute environment or testing new parameters.

Set -k in the Snakemake call in if certian steps fail only for 1 sample as this will cause the entire run to fail even if all other samples are good quality. Often this happens when a sample has few reads resulting in the peak calling steps failing. Because these samples have few reads, jobs complete quickly and cause the run to end early for other good samples.

Evaluating CUT&RUN Experimental Success

The following is a non-exhaustive list of things to check after the pipeline run is finished. Suggestions involving exact numbers are more rules of thumb than precise cutoffs, so interpret your data as such.

  1. Alignment Stats -- >80% of reads align
  2. FastqScreen does not identify any significant contaminating genomes
  3. Most reads are kept post filtering
    • a significant fraction of reads filtered out can indicate poor library quality
    • high % of duplicates indicates low diversity libary
  4. Determine fragment size distribution
    • Check Plots/FragDistInPeaks/, compare to Bioanalyzer/Tapestation trace for each library
  5. Determine fraction of reads in and out of peaks
    • >15% FrIP seen in previous CUT&RUN experiments
    • ~3-5% typical for ChIP-seq (ENCODE guideline for ChIP is FrIP > 1%)
  6. Signal correlation between replicates (inside peaks)
  7. Profit