General repo for everything related to 90Prime (docs, diagrams, thoughts).
Welcome to the 90Prime v2.0 upgrade page.
Upload anything related to 90Prime that doesn't fit in its own repo. This is mainly documentaion, images, diagrams and etc.
Think of this repository as the hub of the 90prime overhaul. There is no such thing as too much information.
Currently, we are not using the Wiki page or Projects.
Here is a link to the Google Drive folder containing meeting notes and agendas.
Google Drive folder with Meeting Notes
Link to google drive folder with engineering run notes, 90Prime manuals, etc.
Google Drive with Engineering and 90Prime documentation
Here is a link to the Google doc with the evolving 90Prime Operations Plan. The goal of this document is to explicate how scientists will use and interact with the upgraded 90Prime.
Google doc for 90Prime Operations Plan
Here is a link to the Google doc where we are collecting commissioning plans and thoughts.
Google doc for Commissioning Planning
Here is a link to the Google doc where we are collecting thoughts and anecdotes from 90Prime observers
Google doc for Observer Experiences
To report hardware issues or concerns, please file an issue in the "Issues" tab above in this (90prime) repository.
To report software issues or concerns, please take a look through the "so-90prime" organization and find the appropriate software page to post an issue. If you are not able to find the appropriate repo, feel free to post it in this one (90prime) and we will move it to the correct location.
Dan Avner wrote a quick note for people new to github, and I have put it here.