so-artn / ARTN

Arizona Robotic Telescope Network
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Arizona Robotic Telescope Network

Documents, operating notes, requirements, observing scripts, etc for the Arizona Robotic Telescope Network - queue scheduling , remote observing, and automation of UAO telescopes.

ARTN Weekly Meeting Notes and Agenda

Observing Run Notes and Draft Documentation

Possibly old and deprecated information below this line. Ignore unless you are in trouble!

Usefull links

Scott's RTS2 Forck

Useful links:

RTS2 homepage

AZCam Documentation

Where does RTS2 put data

The path to the image data is defined in the rts2.ini file found in /etc/rts2/ directory. Currently you will see

Currently you will see these definitions in the file:

; %b expansion
base_path = "/home/rts2obs/rts2images"

; Images are stored on this path before they are processed.
que_path = "%b/queue/%N/%c/%t/%f"

; The following paths specify where to put images after processing. Every image is first placed
; in queue, and then renamed to target location based on image type, result of astrometry,..
; If the following paths are empty/not set, then the images will be not be renamed.
; Path for acqusition images
acq_path = "%b/%N/acq/%f"a
; Path for good images - images that were matched with the catalogue
archive_path = "%b/%N/archive/%t/%f"
; Path for bad images - images without match with catalogue.
trash_path = "%b/%N/trash/%t/%f"
; Path for raw skyflats.
flat_path = "%b/%N/skyflats/%f"
; Path for raw darks
dark_path = "%b/%N/darks/%f"

For the most part this means that objects in a queue will be stored in /home/rts2obs/rts2images/queue//C0//