soapstain22 / attack-of-the-war-fighter-inners

a game u can play.
0 stars 6 forks source link

attack of the war fighter inners

u play as the war fighter inners and u fight in the war! cooltext460759028877072 cooltext460759155489182

How to get started

  1. Join the discord.
  2. Fill out the Roster channel in the discord.
  3. If you dont have a github account, make one.
  4. Fork the master branch.
  5. Download github desktop and use it to download your fork.
  6. Make changes to your fork based on an issue.
  7. Push your changes to the fork online.
  8. Create a pull request mentioning an issue.
  9. Wait for results.


    web-based FPS in which you take advantage of each classes movement to win in combat

Major inspirations

geocities websites postal 2 parkour based physics platformers tf2 this video scram

Gameplay loop

you got 2 teams of 16 (probably) blow eachother up game ends when the objective is completed based on gamemode standard shit


For all team gamemodes: Healing = 1xp for every 2 hp recovered Kills = 100xp For non team gamemodes: Assists = (damage done)/(max hp) Respawn points have booleans that determine the gamemode or team they are valid for respawning in.

Capture the flag:

Capture the flag and bring it back to your base. Winning team = 500xp Flag capture = 500xp

Map defines each flag limit. Usually 3


Kill as many people before time runs out. Kill = 100xp


Classes can be changed at any time. Each class has a loadout that can be altered to use new weapons


image u can put bandages on people and you get a scissor to stab people Variable Initial Value
Max Health 150
Speed 1.1


mainarm sidearm utility
scissors: you can stab things broom: push back enemies and also push yourself back by recoil. right click and you can smack bandage: heal people by clicking on them
electric razor: chainsaw type weapon but you cant throw it blow dryer: does no damage but sends people flying


image u get guns and a rocket launcher Variable Initial Value
Max Health 120
Speed 1


mainarm sidearm utility
rocket launcher: smg: bandage:
sniper rifle: pistol
grenade launcher: it



Variable Initial Value
Max Health 100
Speed 1.2


mainarm sidearm utility
pickaxe: dig tiny holes fast. right click allows you to pick into things and pull yourself above them, used to scale walls crossbow: shitty sniper rifle 40-ounce: drink a bit of your malt liquor
shovel: dig big holes slow dynamite: bomb
sledgehammer: BIG MELEE

he will take 50% less damage from explosions. because he is exploding very carefully.


image sword and shield


mainarm sidearm utility
sword: works with shield shield: usable as a sled too scream: loud sound
2 hand sword: no sidearm double damage
waraxe: can cut through stuff
spear: can throw dagger really dogshit but you can throw it

usually the go to for this glass is to buy a bomb and use your shield to stop the blast and essentially rocket jump around and dive into people with your sword.


image bow and arrow


mainarm sidearm utility
shortbow: shoot arrow quick grappling hook: swing around the map scream: loud sound
longbow: shoot arrow slow grappling hook: swing around the map

Has access to different arrow types.


also see map voting




image todo



Each class has a defined max health and minimum health. Some classes can recover HP slowly. When you hit 0 health you explode. Respawns are random based on teams. Also, health pickups are available around the map and will regenerate after 15 seconds

Fall damage

when u fall, calculate the distance of the fall/20. idk man. archer has fall damage immunity


Pick a spawn point and respawn. im not sure how to flesh this out yet. haha! Spawn points on the map determine where to place players after respawn.

Can also be placed down? maybe.



The ranking system is used to unlock new content as a reward for gradual playtime. The user has a defined rank based on their total EXP gained throughout all sessions. It is not dependent on class. At certian ranks, more content is unlocked.

Weapon leveling

Each weapon has a total permanent kill count. More kills will unlock more attatchments for weapons. Skins are also unlocked for each gun at certian kill counts. Attachments can be things like a laser sight, suppressor, muzzle break or boost, bigger or smaller ammo sizes that change your speed and recoil.

Interface Description

Will figure out what works best in practice


The following are menus that can be entered and exited in a first in first out order. Need to draw hypothetical screenshots soon

Ingame pause menu buttons

  • loadout
  • change class
  • disconnect
  • votekick
  • stats
  • settings

    Main menu buttons

  • servers
  • settings
  • stats
  • Loadout

    Loadout Menu buttons

  • Mainhand Weapon
  • Offhand weapon
  • Utility
  • Armor
  • cosmetic hat


  • Slider: General FOV: 70 to 110 with default being 90
  • Slider: Aimdown FOV: 50 to 110 with default being 90
  • Slider: Master Volume: 0 to 100 with default being 50
  • Slider: Voice Volume: 0 to 100 with default being 50
  • Slider: SFX Volume: 0 to 100 with default being 50
  • Dropdown: Graphics Quality - [Doodoo, Low, Medium, High, XTreme]
  • Button: Keybinds