soartech / jsoar

Pure Java implementation of the Soar cognitive architecture.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
53 stars 19 forks source link

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javadoc-jsoar-core javadoc-jsoar-tcl javadoc-jsoar-debugger javadoc-jsoar-legilimens javadoc-jsoar-soarunit javadoc-jsoar-demos javadoc-jsoar-repl javadoc-jsoar-performance-testing

Maven Build

JSoar is a pure Java implementation of the Soar kernel. See the JSoar Wiki for more information. The User's Guide is a good place to start.

Obtaining JSoar

To add a dependency on JSoar using Maven or gradle, include the following dependencies as needed. A typical project may include jsoar-core, jsoar-debugger, jsoar-tcl, and jsoar-soarunit.

We no longer provide pre-built binaries on github, but they can be downloaded from maven central if desired. Building from source is also straightforward (see below).

JSoar Core (required):

Support for Tcl in Soar code:

JSoar debugger:


Remote Web-Based Debugging Support:

The following subprojects are examples and tools that it probably doesn't make sense to depend on:

Developer info

Note that the maven branch is now the main branch. The master branch is no longer maintained.

There is also an Android branch, which maintains an Android-compatible version.

Coding Conventions

The coding conventions for the JSoar codebase are stored as Eclipse formatter rules in eclipse-formatter.xml. To import:

Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Code Style -> Formatter -> Import ...

The basic rules are:

Maven Build

Builds are performed from the root directory.

Jars will end up in the target directories of the various projects (and in your local .m2 cache, if you install). Javadocs will end up in the top-level target/site directory.

Maven Releases

To create a release using the Maven Release plugin:

If something goes wrong when running any of the release commands, you can try mvn -Dusername=<yourGithubUsername> release:rollback, which will attempt to undo the changes. This should work as long as you haven't done a release:clean. For more info, see the documentation.

If everything is good, you can do a mvn release:clean to remove all the intermediate files that the release plugin created. These should definitely not be committed.

Don't forget to update the version badge at the top of the readme.

Acknowledgments / History

JSoar was originally envisioned and implemented by Dave Ray (and indeed, the vast majority of the code is still Dave's). JSoar started out on Google Code in SVN, was converted to Mercurial and then Git, and then moved to Dave's github site. Today JSoar is primarily maintained by Soar Technology LLC.