social-plan-it / plan-it-social-web

Our Social app!
13 stars 7 forks source link

Welcome to Plan-it Social

Welcome to plan-it-social-web! These are some quick notes on how to start contributing to our open source project. A good place to start is to join our Discord server.

The group meets most Mondays 6pm PST (meetup) Small Co-working sessions are held on Sunday 9am PST on Discord


What we're using

Design Development


To run your Remix app locally, make sure your project's local dependencies are installed and environment variables are set up:

npm install
mv .env.example .env

Then, you'll need to fill in the .env file with the appropriate values. Come to the Discord server or meetup for help with this step.

Afterwards, start the Remix development server like so:

npm run dev

Open up http://localhost:3000 and you should be ready to go!

If you're used to using the vercel dev command provided by Vercel CLI instead, you can also use that, but it's not needed.


Storybook ( UI Component Development )

npm run storybook

then visit http://localhost:6006 to see all the components in action.


  1. If you're a contributor to the repo skip to Step 2
    1. Join the group, check out the Discord server!
    2. Fork the repo
    3. Clone your fork
    4. Set your upstream to the project main branch to avoid merge conflicts git remote add upstream
  2. Create a branch git checkout -b <name>
  3. Add your .env file (example here or ask the Discord for help on details)
  4. Run npm install
  5. Make your changes
  6. Add you changed files with git add and git commit -m "<a stellar commit message>"
  7. Push your changes to your fork with git push
  8. Create a pull request
  9. Iterate on the solution
  10. Get merged!

VS Code Setup

Use the following settings to format your files on save:

  // These are all my auto-save configs
  "editor.formatOnSave": true,
  // turn it off for JS and JSX, we will do this via eslint
  "[javascript][javascriptreact][typescript][typescriptreact]": {
    "editor.formatOnSave": false
  // tell the ESLint plugin to run on save
  "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.fixAll.eslint": true


We've created some handy scripts to help with database management with Prisma. Occasionally you might need to use these to update the database on your local machine.

Running Tests

Code Style

We use ESLint to enforce code style. You can run the linter using the following command:

npm run lint

for auto fix

npm run lint:fix

Also included in our documentation, are great instructions on how to setup this functionality to automatically run on save in VS code.

Type Checking

We use TypeScript to enforce static typing. You can run the type checker using the following command:

npm run typecheck

End-to-End Test

You can run the test suite using the following commands:

npm run test:e2e

Please ensure that the tests are passing when submitting a pull request. Or get help from the Discord community to get them passing.