socialgenomics / discover-frontend

Ember frontend for Repositive discovery platform
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Review error messages & banners #875

Open cwhicher opened 7 years ago

cwhicher commented 7 years ago

We need to perform a platform wide review of all error messages and banners.

In some instances the wrong error comes up or the wording on the banner is not appropriate for the reason that it has appeared.

For example: Vault not responding but we're showing users the wrong error message prompting them to redefine their search (see attachment with image of message).

To reproduce: I was not logged in, I was trying to search and it was hanging but we served a 500 error instead of 404 when it was vault not responding.

Therefore, we need to review the logic and check that all user facing error handling is clear.


SebastianPlace commented 7 years ago

@cwhicher should I review the success messages too, or just error messages?

cwhicher commented 7 years ago

@SebastianPlace I think all messages and banners. Whether they are success or error. Thanks

SebastianPlace commented 7 years ago

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cwhicher commented 7 years ago

@SebastianPlace thanks for this. Will take a look. With regard to the comment in the original description - do you have any ideas how we can get an overview of the logic of the messages to make sure they are being sent at the right times?

For example: Vault not responding but we're showing users the wrong error message prompting them to redefine their search (see attachment with image of message). To reproduce: I was not logged in, I was trying to search and it was hanging but we served a 500 error instead of 404 when it was vault not responding. Therefore, we need to review the logic and check that all user facing error handling is clear.

SebastianPlace commented 7 years ago

@cwhicher I can't really give you a good overview, unfortunately.

To have the ideal setup for handling error messages we need two things:

So in the case of vault failing, the API should return a message detailing why the search action could not be performed. Then we can confidently tell the users that the problem is on our side, not theirs.

At the moment the frontend is dumb and doesn't know why things happen outside of it's little bubble, it just knows that something isn't right, hence the very general error messages.

Istar-Eldritch commented 7 years ago

I agree. Should be create a uProject just to tackle this during next week? I think is going to be a good amount of work, we have to go through all the interactions and redefine them accordingly. This is not just the error messaging, but also proper validation of the interface between the public API and the frontend.

RafLeszczynski commented 7 years ago

@Istar-Eldritch @SebastianPlace if possible I'm happy to work on that end to end from backend to frontend

tombyers commented 7 years ago

I notice that your list isn't quite comprehensive, @SebastianPlace. It's doesn't include either of these messages for example. This isn't a criticism, just a note that we need to be aware we might have missed some!