socialgenomics / discover-frontend

Ember frontend for Repositive discovery platform
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Ember Frontend for


You need the following installed on your computer:


Running / Development

To run the app against the local development environment:

Writing and Running Tests

We use ember-cli-mocha for running our tests. This uses the Chai assertion library. Ember-cli-mocha overrides the test blueprints of ember-cli.

The actual testing modules are from ember-mocha, so reference this when writing tests.

We also use ember-sinon for spies and better stubbing.

To run the tests use: ember test --server or ember t -s for short.

Development Guidelines

It's easy to cut corners. We have in the past, however this leaves us with nasty code which comes with many undesirable traits.

To ensure our code follows best practices, please become familiar with this ember coding style-guide.

As well as this, we encourage component based design and functional programming. Composability > inheritance.

Code Generators

Make use of the many generators for code, try ember help generate for more details


Deploying to Staging

Whenever a PR is merged into master, the new build of master is deployed to [dev]]( automatically.

Deploying to Production

  1. Because you can't directly push changes to master, you must first make a new branch.
  2. Within the new branch, update the version number with npm version <major | minor | patch>
  3. Push with tags: git push && git push --tags
  4. You can create a release by editting the release notes of the tag. This gives us a good history of what we've deployed.
  5. Create a PR to merge the upgrade branch into master. You must choose the rebase and merge option, not squash.