sockless-coding / garo_wallbox

Garo wallbox - Home Assistant Component
MIT License
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Load balancer #20

Open joek-makewave opened 2 years ago

joek-makewave commented 2 years ago

I have the GLBDCWM-T222WO with a load balancer unit. From it, it is possible to get the an accumulated energy counter and the momentary current for each of the three phases.

Consider this a proof of concept. It might be desirable to structure the code/devices/sensors differently. Before this, I had no HA or asyncio experience so there might be obvious mistakes in the code!

The momentary power is calculated by adding up the current on each phase and multiplying with 230 (volts). I'm not sure if that is the most correct way to do it.

PanicMan commented 2 years ago

Hello, I have two of the GARO GLBPDC-T222FC Wallboxes with an GARO GNM3D-RS485 on Channel 100. With the Boxes on FW v1.3.3 in the web UI is everything fine, both boxes are shown but there is no Info about the Energy Meter. There is just the entry in mainCharger group that an Meter is there: URL: meterStatus: 1 meterSerial: ""

But then I figure out with Wireshark that there is an different API for that now, I think it also changes with v1.3.1: Its returning me folowing: {"success":0,"accEnergy":4742000,"phase1Current":16,"phase2Current":7,"phase3Current":9,"phase1InstPower":0,"phase2InstPower":0,"phase3InstPower":0,"readTime":1639732643981,"gridNetType":"UNKNOWN","meterSerial":"002253V","type":341,"apparentPower":0} The Current needs to be divided by 10, then you have full Ampere, so 16 means 1.6A No Idea why the Power each phase is always 0, because somehow he is counting it, the accEnergy is the accumulated Energy in Wh.

Maybe you can change that Pull-Request for it...

joek-makewave commented 2 years ago

@PanicMan, when you say web UI and no information about the Energy Meter, is that the GARO GLB Wallbox web interface? Or is it the Home Assistant user interface?

If you are missing meter info in the GARO web interface, that can not be fixed byt the garo_wallbox Homa Assistant integration.

My box is still on version 1.3.1 and I do not have the load balancer on CENTRAL100. But if it is in Home Assistant that you are missing energy meter information, we can try to find out what the problem is...

1) Can you check what returns? 2) Enable debug logging for the Garo Wallbox integration. If meter info is read by the integration it should be visible in the log as an entry every 30 seconds. You can also check the home assistant log for any errors, especially when the Garo Wallbox integration is added to Home Assistant.

  default: warning
    custom_components.garo_wallbox: debug

The data that you get from CENTRAL100 matches what I get from EXTERNAL so it should work fine in Home Assistant. The value for current is already being divided by 10. I guess that phase power is 0 because of rounding errors, check again when more current is being drawn. My code adds up the current from all phases and then calculates power, that way there will be a value > 0 even when the current is low.

PanicMan commented 2 years ago

@joek-makewave, thanks for the Answer, I'm really lost with it, nothing I try works... And I think its because of the missing Energy Meter. I'm missing the Energy Meter Info in the Wallbox Web interface, second Tab. I have the Load Balancer Info in the First Tab, below the installed Wallboxes and you'r right with the rounding, if the Power goes over 1kW there is also an 1 in phasePower. Here is my Config: {"ocppConnected":false,"maxChargeCurrent":16,"productId":"76","programVersion":"7.9","firmwareVersion":7,"firmwareRevision":9,"smallFirmwareVersion":2,"smallFirmwareRevision":15,"largeFirmwareVersion":7,"largeFirmwareRevision":9,"lbVersion2":true,"serialNumber":2065258,"meterSerialNumber":"","meterType":0,"factoryChargeLimit":32,"switchChargeLimit":16,"rfidReaderPresent":false,"rfidMode":"RFID_DISABLED","powerbackupStatus":2,"lastTemperature":20,"warningTemperature":65,"cutoffTemperature":70,"reducedIntervalsEnabled":true,"reducedCurrentIntervals":[{"schemaId":1,"start":"00:00:00","stop":"00:00:00","weekday":8,"chargeLimit":6}],"softwareVersion":185,"availableVersion":0,"updateUrl":"","networkMode":1,"networkType":0,"networkSSID":"Panic's WLAN 2.4","webNetworkPassword":"","networkAPChannel":6,"ethNetworkMode":0,"gcConfigTimestamp":null,"gcloudActivated":false,"gcActivatedFrom":null,"ethGateway":"","ethDNS":"","ethIP":"","ethMask":24,"localLoadBalanced":false,"groupLoadBalanced":true,"groupLoadBalanced101":false,"energyReportEnabled":false,"master":true,"timezone":null,"slaveList":[{"reference":"Slave","serialNumber":2046640,"lastContact":1639758576074,"online":false,"loadBalanced":false,"phase":16,"productId":76,"meterStatus":1,"meterSerial":"","chargeStatus":0,"pilotLevel":16,"accEnergy":-1,"firmwareVersion":7,"firmwareRevision":9,"wifiCardStatus":1,"connector":"NOT_CONNECTED","accSessionEnergy":0,"sessionStartValue":-1,"accSessionMillis":0,"sessionStartTime":null,"currentChargingCurrent":-1,"currentChargingPower":0,"nrOfPhases":1,"twinSerial":-1,"cableLockMode":0,"minCurrentLimit":6,"dipSwitchSettings":8076},{"reference":"Master","serialNumber":2065258,"lastContact":1639758603933,"online":false,"loadBalanced":false,"phase":1,"productId":121,"meterStatus":1,"meterSerial":"","chargeStatus":0,"pilotLevel":16,"accEnergy":-1,"firmwareVersion":7,"firmwareRevision":9,"wifiCardStatus":2,"connector":"NOT_CONNECTED","accSessionEnergy":0,"sessionStartValue":-1,"accSessionMillis":0,"sessionStartTime":null,"currentChargingCurrent":-1,"currentChargingPower":0,"nrOfPhases":1,"twinSerial":-1,"cableLockMode":0,"minCurrentLimit":6,"dipSwitchSettings":8092}],"gridNetType":"UNKNOWN","slaveControlAvailable":true,"currentMultiplier":100,"rfPower":31,"twinSerial":-1,"twinSwitchLimit":0,"energySerials":[],"packageVersion":"1.3.3","cableAutoUnlocked":false,"internetSharingEnabled":false,"webAPPassword":null,"standalone":false,"castra":false}

You see, I have also an reducedCurrentIntervals set to 6A, I also tried 10A or 12A, but the Box is still charging with full 16A, you see it also in the maxChargeCurrent value. Do you have an Energy Meter installed inside the Box? Or only one in the Fuse-Box on the Main Grid Cable?

joek-makewave commented 2 years ago

OK. I think you should contact GARO for the missing data in the Energy tab. I have had that since way back, long before the load balancing info in the first tab was added to to web interface.

I think that your setup with two boxes results in a different web interface than mine with only one box. Perhaps there is a bug in the 1.3.3 version of the GARO javascript code triggered by your setup. Have you had the boxes for a long time so that you have had the opportunity to try more than one version of the wallbox firmware? The GARO javascript does a lot of things differently depending on firmware version and single/group box setup.

Limit charge current using the GARO web interface works for me. I have not tried to set it using the HA service provided by the Garo Wallbox integration.

In your config, there is "groupLoadBalanced":true. This should make my load balancer code for Home Assistant use the meterinfo/CENTRAL100 URL and if everything works you should be able to get the meter data in Home Assistant. When using HA, are you using my branch and can you add/set up the integration without errors? Do you get HA sensors for the current of each phase, power and total energy?

I don't remember where my load balancer unit is installed :-). I have to check when I get home.

PanicMan commented 2 years ago

I did that, but no answer yet from GARO... I have the Boxes since April '21, I think the first FW was v1.2.3, but there was also no energy info in the second tab. I also think that there is something in my configuration does not work right, for example I have absolutely no option to limit the Charge Current in the GARO Web Interface... I just can set the minimal Current, but not the maximal Current... Do you have an Energy Meter inside the Box? Like in this Video of an similar Wallbox: If yes, how it is possible that you also have an Load Balancer? Because he is also connected to the A+/A- Connectors on the Board... Or are they both connected to the same Connectors? Thanks a lot helping me out here, I really appreciate that!

joek-makewave commented 2 years ago

Hello again @PanicMan. I did not do the installation but I checked yesterday. Yes I have the energy meter inside the box. It is labeled Carlo Gavazzi EM340. In the meter cabinet with the main fuses I have the load balancer, GARO GNM3D-RS485 and there is a signal cable between the meter cabinet and the GARO wall box. I did not open the wallbox all the way to check connections though.

I assume that you have found the following list of GARO documents:

The Full Guide contains some information about connecting the internal meter together with a load balancer. I'm far from an expert in this area and I do not have a full understanding of everything in the manual but my conclusion is that you should connect both the internal meter and the load balancer to the E-meter A-, B+ terminals. But I'm not that confident that I would do any of the installation work myself...

I hope that you are able to solve your problems, it is not fun do have to deal with stuff that does not work and I understand your frustration...

Do you have any intensions to try to control the wallbox using Home Assistant or will that have to wait until you have sorted out the problems with the energy information in the GARO web interface? If you already have some Home Assistant experience it could be worthwhile to set up the HA Garo Wallbox integration and see if you can control the charge current that way.

PanicMan commented 2 years ago

Hello @joek-makewave, thanks a lot for your reply, that is really helping me figure out what is wrong on my installation... I send the Info of your Carlo Gavazzi EM340 to my electrician and he tells me that it is the same as the GARO GNM3D-RS485 so I could use it for checking some stuff out.... In the Video I send you, they have also an GARO Energy Meter installed internally... Yes, I have read all the documents in that section, but there is no chapter how to configure the internal energy meter. But you're right, the installation is clear, in the Manual is that note: NOTE! If the wallbox has an internal energy meter installed, the Modbus connection of the external meter is to be connected in parallel with the internal energy meter (terminals “E-meter” on the main board). So then it is just about the Modbus address, 2, 100 and 101 are reserved for the external DLM-Meters, yours should have 2 for standalone Box, so the internal should have address 1, as far as I understand it... If you can check it, it would be nice, but I'm pretty sure... No, I have nothing done in the HA yet, I want first to get it run with the GARO Web GUI and then it will also work with HA, I'm sure... About the GARO Web UI, i did some investigation in the Web-Inspector yesterday and found out that there is also the section for the maximum Current, but it is hidden by the style="hide". So its clear why it is not working, it is not possible for my current hardware configuration. Ok, my next steps are clear, first I will set the Wallbox to standalone, remove connections to the other Box and set the Modbus address to 2. Then I will see what changes in the Web UI. If nothing changes, I will move the external energy meter to internal and set it to address 1, this should enable the second tab in the Web UI, the external DLM is optional and I don't think that I can overload my main Fuse which is 3x50A, even if I turn everything in my house to full power... I will let you know if I have something figured out, thanks again for your effort!

PanicMan commented 2 years ago

@joek-makewave Hello my friend, today I finally made the changes I planned. And hooray, it works now! The GNM3D-RS485 is now on Address 1 and the Box is standalone. But only after the next connection to the car the GARO Web configuration changes, I first thought it did not work, but now it works. I also have now the current Charging Current and the Power and also the chart in the second page. So for the second Wallbox I need to do the same... Here is now how the config looks like: {"serialNumber":2065258,"ocppState":null,"connectedToInternet":true,"freeCharging":false,"ocppConnectionState":null,"connector":"CHARGING","mode":"ALWAYS_ON","currentLimit":6,"factoryCurrentLimit":32,"switchCurrentLimit":16,"powerMode":"ON","currentChargingCurrent":6600,"currentChargingPower":1300,"accSessionEnergy":800,"sessionStartTime":1640695338239,"chargeboxTime":"14:00","accSessionMillis":1073583,"latestReading":5016900,"chargeStatus":64,"updateStatus":{"serialsToUpdate":[],"serialsUpdated":[],"currentlyUpdating":-1,"currentProgress":-1,"failedUpdate":"NO_ERROR"},"currentTemperature":20,"sessionStartValue":5016100,"nrOfPhases":1,"slaveControlWarning":false,"supportConnectionEnabled":false,"datetimeConfigured":true,"pilotLevel":6,"mainCharger":{"reference":"Master","serialNumber":2065258,"lastContact":1640696416683,"online":false,"loadBalanced":false,"phase":16,"productId":121,"meterStatus":0,"meterSerial":"002253V","chargeStatus":64,"pilotLevel":6,"accEnergy":5016900,"firmwareVersion":7,"firmwareRevision":9,"wifiCardStatus":2,"connector":"CHARGING","accSessionEnergy":800,"sessionStartValue":5016100,"accSessionMillis":1073583,"sessionStartTime":1640695338239,"currentChargingCurrent":6600,"currentChargingPower":1300,"nrOfPhases":1,"twinSerial":-1,"cableLockMode":0,"minCurrentLimit":6,"dipSwitchSettings":8092},"twinCharger":null} Now I can continue with everything else, thanks a lot for your help!

eclaug commented 2 years ago

Hi, Regarding the "Power" attribute of the meter-device, it will not show the completely correct value. Since the power is not just voltage * current. It also depends on the kind of load running. I have tried this myself and can see that the value differs from the "power" reading on the Garo-meter. This depends on the kind of load being used at the moment. So sometimes the value will be correct and sometimes it might differ with a couple of 100 Watts. Unfortunately this value is not available in the rest-interface on the Garo box. Still it gives a hint of the current power consumption even if it is not completely correct.

joek-makewave commented 2 years ago

@eclaug, thank you for your comment! Did you check how I do the calculations in the code? If you have any suggestions at all for improvements it would be very interesting to hear them!

I have only a limited knowledge about power and alternating current. I just know a bit of it, basically what you say about different types of loads giving a more or less accurate power value if you calculate power as voltage * current.

With 'Garo-meter', you mean the device that sits inside the meter cabinet and provide the load balancing function of the wall-box? I have not dared to touch it afraid of making some change I'm not able to undo :-). Can you get a momentary power reading on it's display? And that reading is true to the current energy consumption, true to what you will have to pay for?

When you have noticed a difference in power reading, was the Garo-meter power value greater or less than the power value from my code in Home Assistant?

eclaug commented 2 years ago

@joek-makewave Yes, I would say that in some cases it is correct to do the current voltage as you do. It gives us the voltampere (skenbar effekt) which in some cases will be higher than the actual effect. It was too long since I studied this to try to explain why this is but basically how incorrect the effect will be depends on what is currently being used as a load. A simple radiator will probably be shown correct but an electric motor (as you would have in the compressor of a heat pump) will not be correctly shown. So for me I get the biggest differences when my heat pump (bergvärme) is running. The shown power in home assistant (voltage current from garo meter) is a few hundred watts more than what is shown in my power meter (Garomätaren i Elskåpet kopplat till laddboxen). The power meter from garo also shows the same value as the power meter from the energy company. I don't think this can be calculated unfortunately. So either you keep the power calculation as it is but have to know that it might not be showing correctly at all times. Or you multiply it by a factor (which will be individual to each setup, for me 0,84 gave a good result).

Another approach that would give the correct value is to calculate the difference between the accEnergy between the different reads and then divide it by the time in hours (which would be 120 if we read from the garo every 30 seconds.) The accEnergy attribute is correct since the Garo meter calculates it correctly with the compensation for the different loads.

PanicMan commented 2 years ago

@eclaug> Another approach that would give the correct value is to calculate the difference between the accEnergy between the different reads and then divide it by the time in hours (which would be 120 if we read from the garo every 30 seconds.) The accEnergy attribute is correct since the Garo meter calculates it correctly with the compensation for the different loads.

I noticed the same on my side, sometimes it is the same value, sometimes it differs in 0.1~0.3kWh, independent of how much I have load in this session. Its not a big deal for me, as I mainly use it with my PV-facility. And here it comes, your approach would not work for me, as I change the load current all the time, depending on how much power the PV is delivering. So I will keep it as it is... What I also noticed, is that it is changing the charge current really slow, maybe just 1x/min, which is not that bad, but on an sunny day with some fast clouds it will not do any good work. So I think I will exchange my second charger to an go-eCharger Homefix 22 kW, which has everything included out of the box and is even cheaper as the GARO Charger...

Vispen74 commented 2 years ago

Hi! Is therr any progress in this load balancer integration? It would be really convenient to have this power meter within home assistant to watch total power of the building and also load per phase. I would gladly help if I had the skills, I can supply with logs or screenshots if needed.

joek-makewave commented 2 years ago

Hi! Is therr any progress in this load balancer integration? It would be really convenient to have this power meter within home assistant to watch total power of the building and also load per phase. I would gladly help if I had the skills, I can supply with logs or screenshots if needed.

Hi there! The next step would be for @sockless-coding to review and merge into master, and then do a release. My guess is that he's been busy with other things.

If you do not want to wait, and If you haven't already, you can git clone the joek-makewave:load_balancer branch (or perhaps the latest of @eclaug's branches which I think has additional improvements) and make a manual installation that contains the load balancer integration. You should get the sensors you see here:

molcam commented 1 year ago

Hi! Is therr any progress in this load balancer integration? It would be really convenient to have this power meter within home assistant to watch total power of the building and also load per phase. I would gladly help if I had the skills, I can supply with logs or screenshots if needed.

Hi there! The next step would be for @sockless-coding to review and merge into master, and then do a release. My guess is that he's been busy with other things.

If you do not want to wait, and If you haven't already, you can git clone the joek-makewave:load_balancer branch (or perhaps the latest of @eclaug's branches which I think has additional improvements) and make a manual installation that contains the load balancer integration. You should get the sensors you see here:

I am not sure I got his correct but is there a simple way to get the kW from the load balacer in HA? Its not included in the GARO HA integration per default (or how do I find it?!?)?

Vispen74 commented 1 year ago

Hi! Is therr any progress in this load balancer integration? It would be really convenient to have this power meter within home assistant to watch total power of the building and also load per phase. I would gladly help if I had the skills, I can supply with logs or screenshots if needed.

Hi there! The next step would be for @sockless-coding to review and merge into master, and then do a release. My guess is that he's been busy with other things.

If you do not want to wait, and If you haven't already, you can git clone the joek-makewave:load_balancer branch (or perhaps the latest of @eclaug's branches which I think has additional improvements) and make a manual installation that contains the load balancer integration. You should get the sensors you see here:

I am not sure I got his correct but is there a simple way to get the kW from the load balacer in HA? Its not included in the GARO HA integration per default (or how do I find it?!?)?

As stated above, just uninstall your HACS version and do a manual installation (simply copy the files) from and you're all set. It's really dumb that this latest version with support for the load balancer is not included in HACS. Screenshot_20230127_205238_Home Assistant.jpg

molcam commented 1 year ago

Not sure what I am doing wrong here but I have deleted the existing garo_wallbox folder and manually uploaded the one according to the link ( version 1.0.11) but for some reason I do not get the data from the loadbalacer. Only the info that is stated here :

joek-makewave commented 1 year ago

Hello @molcam, 1.0.11 is the latest release but it was made before the load balancer code was added. The load balancer code has been added to the joek-makewave/garo_wallbox repo which is a copy of the sockless-coding repo. You can get the version of the Garo component that you want by using git and cloning the joek-makewave repo, or by downloading it as a zip file. In both cases, use the green ´Code´button at to get the correct version of the files.

You then need to do a manual installation.

molcam commented 1 year ago

I must be an idiot but I have done exactly what you stated above, downloaded the code (as ZIP file), unpacked it, deleted my old Garo folder and uploaded the new one from the zip file and restarted HA but the loadbalser phases does not appear in HA... I get the 11 enteties exactly as shown in the figure in the link you sent - nothing more.

joek-makewave commented 1 year ago

@molcam, When you get them, the extra sensors appear in a separate device, see

Do you get the loadbalancer info when you access the wallbox web interface in a browser?

Can you debug according to For step 1 you need to use the host or IP of your wallbox.

molcam commented 1 year ago

Hi, yes via the web interfarce for the GARO charger I get info on the load balancing but I cannot get it via Home assistant...

This is what I get returned:


joek-makewave commented 1 year ago

Hi @molcam, thanks for reporting back. You have "localLoadBalanced":true which should trigger the Garo component to fetch data from http://[wallbox ip]:8080/servlet/rest/chargebox/meterinfo/EXTERNAL

Can you try that URL and see if you get anything?

Also, you should configure and check the logs as described in There should be errors or data from the load balancer every 30 seconds, like this: {'serial': '003243U', 'type': 341, 'phase1_current': 4.9, 'phase2_current': 6.1, 'phase3_current': 5.2, 'power': 3730, 'acc_energy_k': 36934.1}

I see that you have version 1.3.7 of the Garo firmware, while I have 1.3.1. There could be some change that breaks reading the load balancer data.

molcam commented 1 year ago

The URL that you suggest gives the following feedback : {"success":0,"accEnergy":47449600,"phase1Current":164,"phase2Current":16,"phase3Current":23,"phase1InstPower":3,"phase2InstPower":0,"phase3InstPower":0,"readTime":1675701655877,"gridNetType":"UNKNOWN","meterSerial":"110020U","type":341,"apparentPower":3} The code does not look exactly like yours... Maybe I should downgrade?!? Not sure how I check the logs - it is activated and added to the config file...

Vispen74 commented 1 year ago

Hi @molcam, thanks for reporting back. ---//--- I see that you have version 1.3.7 of the Garo firmware, while I have 1.3.1. There could be some change that breaks reading the load balancer data.

1.3.7 works just fine, I use it myself without any problems.

molcam commented 1 year ago

What is the name of the sensor for the load balancer? Not sure what the heck I am doing wrong... :-(

joek-makewave commented 1 year ago

@molcam, the response you get from that URL looks fine. My entry was from the Home Assistant log.

The load balancer device is named the same as the main Garo device plus _meter. For example laddbox_meter. The sensor for power is named sensor.<device_name>_power, for example sensor.laddbox_meter_power.

Is it possible for you to enable debugging and check the logs? This should be added to configuration.yaml:

  default: warning
    custom_components.garo_wallbox: debug

I guess that it depends on the way you have Home Assistant installed. I ssh to the Home Assistant host and check the log using command line tools but you can also se the logs using the Home Assistant GUI. Settings -> System -> Logs -> Load full logs.

molcam commented 1 year ago

Hi! I finally got it to work... The link above was not the correct one - this one is the correct for the load balancer: not

joek-makewave commented 1 year ago

@molcam, sorry for the extra confusion, I'm glad that you sorted it out!