ioBroker Adapter for WiFi Light
Supports LW12, LD382 and LD382A. Support for Mi-Light/LimitlessLED RGBW added.
red, r, green, g, blue, b, bri, sat, transition, on, off
Some Examples:
r = 100; g = 250, b = 100
r: 0, g: 0, b = 255
red: 200, green: 0, blue: 0
{r:100, b: 200, transition: 20}
To change the color you do not have to use all three vallues.
For example, red = 0
, blue and green will stay unchanged.
Execute the following command in the iobroker root directory (e.g. in /opt/iobroker)
npm install iobroker.wifilight