sofarocean / spotter-sd-parser

Open source tool for concatenating and parsing SD card data from Spotters
Apache License 2.0
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Spotter SD Card Data Parser

An open-source tool for concatenating and parsing SD card data from Spotters.


For efficiency, Spotter stores wave spectra, mean location and displacement data on the SD card across multiple files. In order to access the data for post processing it is convenient to first recombine each data type in a single file.

This module contains functions to process Spotter output files containing spectra, mean location and displacement information, and concatenate all files pertaining to a specific data type (e.g. displacements) into a single comma delimited (CSV) file. For example, all displacement information (contained in ????_FLT.CSV) is combined as:

   (input)                                (output) 
0010_FLT.CSV  -|
0011_FLT.CSV   |      running script
0012_FLT.CSV   |           ==== >       displacement.CSV
............   |
000N_FLT.CSV  -|

and similarly for spectral ( xxxx_SPC.CSV => Szz.csv) and location (xxxx_LOC.CSV => location.csv) files. Further, after all spectral files have been combined. Bulk parameters (significant wave height, peak period, etc.) are calculated from the spectral files, and stored seperately in bulkparameters.csv

NOTE: the original data files will remain unchanged.


In order to use this script, python (version 2 or 3) needs to be installed on the system (download at: In addition, for functionality the script requires that the following python modules:

    dependencies: pandas, numpy, scipy

These modules can be installed by invoking the python package manager (pip) from the command line. For instance, to install pandas you would run the package manager from the command line as:

    pip3 install pandas

and similarly for other missing dependencies.


To use the module, simply copy the Spotter files and this script into the same directory. Subsequently, start a command line terminal, navigate to the directory containing the files and run the python script from the command line using the python interpreter as:


or any other python interpreter (e.g. ipython, python etc.).

Requesting additional output:

By default, the script will only produce the variance density spectrum. If in addition the directional moments are desired, add the command line switch spectra=all, i.e.:

    python3 spectra='all'

in which case files containing a1,b1,a2,b2 (in separate files) will be produced.


After completion, the following files will have been created in the working directory:

    FILE              :: DESCRIPTION
    Szz.csv           :: Variance density spectra of vertical displacement [meter * meter / Hz]
    Sxx.csv           :: Variance density spectra of eastward displacement [meter * meter / Hz]
    Syy.csv           :: Variance density spectra of northward displacement [meter * meter / Hz]
    Qxz.csv           :: Quad-spectrum between vertical and eastward displacement [meter * meter / Hz]
    Qyz.csv           :: Quad-spectrum between vertical and northward displacement [meter * meter / Hz]
    Cxy.csv           :: Co-spectrum between northward and eastward displacement [meter * meter / Hz]
    a1.csv            :: First order cosine coefficient [ - ]
    b1.csv            :: First order sine coefficient   [ - ]
    a2.csv            :: Second order cosine coefficient  [ - ]
    b2.csv            :: Second order sine coefficient  [ - ]
    location.csv      :: Average location (lowpass filtered instantaneous
                         location) in terms of latitude and longitude
                         (decimal degrees)
    displacement.csv  :: Instantaneous displacement from mean location 
                         along north, east and vertical directions(in meter)
    bulkparameters    :: Bulk wave parameters (Significant wave height, peak peariod, etc.)

Data is stored as comma delimited file, where each new line corresponds to a new datapoint in time, and the individual columns contain different data entries (time, latitude, longitude etc.).

The spectra files start at the first line with a header line and each subsequent line contains the wave spectrum calculated at the indicated time

 HEADER:   year,month,day,hour,min,sec,milisec,dof , 0.0 , f(1) , f(2) , .... , (nf-1) * df
           2017,11   ,10 ,5   ,3  ,1  ,300     ,30 , E(0), E(1) , E(2) , .... , E(nf-1)
           2017,11   ,10 ,5   ,33 ,1  ,300     ,30 , E(0), E(1) , E(2) , .... , E(nf-1)
            |    |    |   |    |   |   |        |    |    |       |     |
           2017,12   ,20 ,0   ,6  ,1  ,300     ,30 , E(0), E(1) , E(2) , .... , E(nf-1)

The first columns indicate the time (year, month etc.) and dof is the degrees of freedom (dof) used to calculate the spectra. After the degrees of freedom, each subsequent entry corresponds to the variance density at the frequency indicated by the header line (E0 is the energy in the mean, E1 at the first frequency f1 etc). The Spotter records at an equidistant spectral resolution of df=0.009765625 and there are nf=128 spectral entries, given by f(j) = df * j (with 0<=j<128). Frequencies are in Hertz, and spectral entries are given in squared meters per Hz (m^2/Hz) or are dimensionless (for the directional moments a1,a2,b1,b2).

The bulk parameter (bulkparameters.csv) file starts with a header line and subsequent lines contain the bulk parameters calculated at the indicated time:

HEADER:    # year , month , day, hour ,min, sec, milisec , Significant Wave Height, Mean Period, Peak Period, Mean Direction, Peak Direction, Mean Spreading, Peak Spreading
           2017,11   ,10 ,5   ,3  ,1  ,300     ,30 , Hs , Tm01, Tp, Dir, PDir, Spr, PSpr
           2017,11   ,10 ,5   ,33 ,1  ,300     ,30 , Hs , Tm01, Tp, Dir, PDir, Spr, PSpr
            |    |    |   |    |   |   |        |     | ,   | , | , |  , |   , |  , |
           2017,12   ,20 ,0   ,6  ,1  ,300     ,30 , Hs , Tm01, Tp, Dir, PDir, Spr, PSpr

For the definitions used to calculate the bulk parameters from the variance density spectra, and a short description please refer to:

History of major updates

Author   | Date      | Firmware Version | Script updates
P.B.Smit | Feb, 2018 | 1.4.2            | firmware SHA verification
P.B.Smit | May, 2018 | 1.5.1            | Included IIR phase correction
P.B.Smit | June, 2019| 1.7.0            | Bulk parameter output
P.B.Smit | Oct, 2019 | 1.8.0            | SST Spotter update
various  | Dec, 2021 | 1.8.0+, 2.0.0+   | Spotter v3 update


We encourage a standard GitHub flow: please create a branch, and submit a pull request when ready. Thanks in advance.


We are (at the time of this writing) beginning to write and collect unit tests in tests/

To test, the following can be run from the root of the repo:

% python3 -m unittest tests/*.py


Apache 2.0. See LICENSE