sofastack / sofa-jraft

A production-grade java implementation of RAFT consensus algorithm.
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分布式锁的互斥是怎么实现的? #1129

Closed chunlaiqingke closed 1 month ago

chunlaiqingke commented 1 month ago





    public void tryLockWith(final byte[] key, final byte[] fencingKey, final boolean keepLease,
                            final DistributedLock.Acquirer acquirer, final KVStoreClosure closure) {
        final Timer.Context timeCtx = getTimeContext("TRY_LOCK");
        try {
            // The algorithm relies on the assumption that while there is no
            // synchronized clock across the processes, still the local time in
            // every process flows approximately at the same rate, with an error
            // which is small compared to the auto-release time of the lock.
            final long now = acquirer.getLockingTimestamp();
            final long timeoutMillis = acquirer.getLeaseMillis();
            final ByteArray wrappedKey = ByteArray.wrap(key);
            final DistributedLock.Owner prevOwner = this.lockerDB.get(wrappedKey);

            final DistributedLock.Owner owner;
            // noinspection ConstantConditions
            do {
                final DistributedLock.OwnerBuilder builder = DistributedLock.newOwnerBuilder();
                if (prevOwner == null) {
                    // no others own this lock
                    if (keepLease) {
                        // it wants to keep the lease but too late, will return failure
                        owner = builder //
                            // set acquirer id
                            // fail to keep lease
                            // set failure
                    // is first time to try lock (another possibility is that this lock has been deleted),
                    // will return successful
                    owner = builder //
                        // set acquirer id, now it will own the lock
                        // set a new deadline
                        .deadlineMillis(now + timeoutMillis)
                        // first time to acquire and success
                        // create a new fencing token
                        // init acquires
                        // set acquirer ctx
                        // set successful
                    this.lockerDB.put(wrappedKey, owner);

                // this lock has an owner, check if it has expired
                final long remainingMillis = prevOwner.getDeadlineMillis() - now;
                if (remainingMillis < 0) {
                    // the previous owner is out of lease
                    if (keepLease) {
                        // it wants to keep the lease but too late, will return failure
                        owner = builder //
                            // still previous owner id
                            // do not update
                            // fail to keep lease
                            // set previous ctx
                            // set failure
                    // create new lock owner
                    owner = builder //
                        // set acquirer id, now it will own the lock
                        // set a new deadline
                        .deadlineMillis(now + timeoutMillis)
                        // success as a new acquirer
                        // create a new fencing token
                        // init acquires
                        // set acquirer ctx
                        // set successful
                    this.lockerDB.put(wrappedKey, owner);

                // the previous owner is not out of lease (remainingMillis >= 0)
                final boolean isReentrant = prevOwner.isSameAcquirer(acquirer);
                if (isReentrant) {
                    // is the same old friend come back (reentrant lock)
                    if (keepLease) {
                        // the old friend only wants to keep lease of lock
                        owner = builder //
                            // still previous owner id
                            // update the deadline to keep lease
                            .deadlineMillis(now + timeoutMillis)
                            // success to keep lease
                            // keep fencing token
                            // keep acquires
                            // do not update ctx when keeping lease
                            // set successful
                        this.lockerDB.put(wrappedKey, owner);
                    // now we are sure that is an old friend who is back again (reentrant lock)
                    owner = builder //
                        // still previous owner id
                        // by the way, the lease will also be kept
                        .deadlineMillis(now + timeoutMillis)
                        // success reentrant
                        // keep fencing token
                        // acquires++
                        .acquires(prevOwner.getAcquires() + 1)
                        // update ctx when reentrant
                        // set successful
                    this.lockerDB.put(wrappedKey, owner);

                // the lock is exist and also prev locker is not the same as current
                owner = builder //
                    // set previous owner id to tell who is the real owner
                    // set the remaining lease time of current owner
                    // set previous ctx
                    // set failure
                LOG.debug("Another locker [{}] is trying the existed lock [{}].", acquirer, prevOwner);
            } while (false);

            setSuccess(closure, owner);
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOG.error("Fail to [TRY_LOCK], [{}, {}], {}.", BytesUtil.toHex(key), acquirer, StackTraceUtil.stackTrace(e));
            setCriticalError(closure, "Fail to [TRY_LOCK]", e);
        } finally {



    public void tryLockWith(final byte[] key, final byte[] fencingKey, final boolean keepLease,
                            final DistributedLock.Acquirer acquirer, final KVStoreClosure closure) {
        final Timer.Context timeCtx = getTimeContext("TRY_LOCK");
        final Lock readLock = this.readWriteLock.readLock();
        readLock.lock(); //只有这里上了读锁
        try {

            setSuccess(closure, owner);
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOG.error("Fail to [TRY_LOCK], [{}, {}], {}.", BytesUtil.toHex(key), acquirer, StackTraceUtil.stackTrace(e));
            setCriticalError(closure, "Fail to [TRY_LOCK]", e);
        } finally {
fengjiachun commented 1 month ago

需要先知道和理解的是,state machine 本身就是互斥的,具体来说,这里 onApply 是串行的:

chunlaiqingke commented 1 month ago
