sofastack / sofa-jraft

A production-grade java implementation of RAFT consensus algorithm.
Apache License 2.0
3.52k stars 1.12k forks source link
consensus distributed-consensus-algorithms java raft raft-algorithm raft-java sofa-bolt sofa-jraft sofastack


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SOFAJRaft is a production-level, high-performance Java implementation based on the RAFT consistency algorithm that supports MULTI-RAFT-GROUP for high-load, low-latency scenarios. With SOFAJRaft you can focus on your business area. SOFAJRaft handles all RAFT-related technical challenges. SOFAJRaft is very user-friendly, which provides several examples, making it easy to understand and use.



Compile requirement: JDK 8+ and Maven 3.2.5+ .



How to contribute


SOFAJRaft was ported from Baidu's braft with some optimizing and improvement. Thanks to the Baidu braft team for opening up such a great C++ RAFT implementation.


SOFAJRaft is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. SOFAJRaft relies on some third-party components, and their open source protocol is also Apache License 2.0. In addition, SOFAJRaft also directly references some code (possibly with minor changes), which open source protocol is Apache License 2.0, including


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