sofian / openscad-tray

OpenSCAD library to create rounded rectangular trays with optional subdividers.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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OpenSCAD Tray Library

Allows the design of trays with optional subdivisions. Many different configuration options available.

Designed to quickly create trays with different configurations, for efficient storing of parts, such as hardware, small tools, board game inserts, etc.

Table of Contents


In order to use, simply install in your OpenSCAD library folder and include the file tray.scad:

include <tray.scad>

You can then use the function tray() which comes with many different options.

tray(dimensions, thickness=2, curved=true,
    n_columns=1, n_rows=1, columns=false, rows=false,
    dividers_height=undef, dividers_thickness=undef,
    bottom_bevel_radius=undef, top_bevel_radius=undef,
    dividers_bottom_bevel_radius=undef, dividers_top_bevel_radius=undef,




Simple tray

Simple tray with curved inside (default):

tray([100, 60, 30]);


Simple subdivisions

Tray with equal subdividers (3 columns, 2 rows):

tray([100, 60, 30], n_columns=3, n_rows=2);


Column subdivisions of unequal size

Tray with unequal subdividers (3 columns, 2 rows). First and last columns are at 25% of width from each side.

tray([100, 60, 30], n_columns=3, n_rows=2, columns=[0.25, 0.75]);


Subdivisions with different numbers of rows per column

Tray with unequal number of rows per column, equally distributed: first column has 4 rows, second column has 2 rows and final column as 3 rows.

tray([100, 60, 30], n_columns=3, n_rows=[4,2,3]);


Same but with unequal number of columns per row, equally distributed.

tray([100, 60, 30], n_rows=3, n_columns=[4,2,3], rows_first=true);


Advanced subdivisions

Unequal subdivisions for both rows and columns

Traw with unequal subdividers (3 columns, 2 rows). First and last columns are at 25% of width from each side. Rows in first and last column are equally distributed but first row of middle column occupies only one third of length.

tray([100, 60, 30], n_columns=3, n_rows=2, columns=[0.25, 0.75], rows=[false, [1/3], false]);


Subdivisions with different numbers of rows per column (specific distribution)

Tray with unequal number of rows per column: first column has 4 rows, second column has 2 rows and final column as 3 rows. First and last columns are at 25% of width from each side. Rows in first and last column are equally distributed but the first two rows of middle column each occupyp 25% of column length.

tray([100, 60, 30], n_columns=3, n_rows=[4,3,2], columns=[0.25, 0.75], rows=[false, [0.25, 0.5], false]);


Same but with unequal number of columns per row.

tray([100, 60, 30], n_rows=3, n_columns=[4,3,2], rows=[0.25, 0.75], columns=[false, [0.25, 0.5], false], rows_first=true);




Simple tray with different side and bottom thickness:

tray([100, 60, 30], thickness=3, bottom_thickness=20);


Divider options

Tray with thinner and lower dividers:

tray([100, 60, 30], n_columns=3, n_rows=2, thickness=2, dividers_height=25, dividers_thickness=1);


Bevel options

Same but with larger bevel radius at top and bottom:

tray([100, 60, 30], n_columns=3, n_rows=2, thickness=2, dividers_height=25, dividers_thickness=1,
     top_bevel_radius=6, bottom_bevel_radius=10, 
     dividers_top_bevel_radius=3, dividers_bottom_bevel_radius=10);
