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Pull changes made in Gutenberg back into Oxygen #798

Open sunnyt7 opened 4 years ago

sunnyt7 commented 4 years ago

This might be a long-shot, but I'd really like to be able to pull changes made in the Gutenberg editor back into Oxygen.

Even though the concept of the Gutenberg integration is awesome, I find I'm resisting actually using it with clients. There's just something unsettling with having 2 versions of a page.

I think it's that you lose the holistic view of the page when editing it. When in Oxygen, you no longer have a feel for the flow of the copywriting. It's separating the design from the copy.

I get that this is probably preferred for pages that follow a particular template, but it's not as ideal for custom one-off pages or landing pages in particular, where design + copy are closely integrated.

I'd be totally cool with keeping the default functionality, but I think it'd be super handy if there was a button/option to update Oxygen with what's been changed in Gutenberg.

In fact, based on the feedback in the FB group, I think it's a small change that would result in a significant increase in usage of the integration.

P.S. Live Editor Pro ( does provide similar functionality - but there are of course some downsides like it being a separate subscription and not being native to Oxygen (thus not guaranteeing stability). It's also done in the front-end and not through Gutenberg, which isn't a pro or con, but might fit different use-cases.

EDIT: Also, it's probably obvious, but this would only apply for full pages being edited in Gutenberg. Not single blocks.

adrien-robert commented 4 years ago



Martin-1 commented 4 years ago

I couldn't agree more. It makes no sense and makes keeping track of things a huge hassle.

marou-lia commented 4 years ago

Little story : I created the design of the page, with loremipsum text. Then my client filled everything in the Gutenbger view. Days later she asked me : ok, I wan't to change the design of the last block of the page. So I openned the page with Oxygen, I found my fake texte. I made the design change, saved.... And my client had to refill the whole page. That's dumm ! And the client yell at me !! So for me : this is the end of Oxygen for clients' websites... Until this problem is solved

davidlower8 commented 4 years ago

+1 definitely. If the edits made in Gutenberg where absolute. Meaning the editor is not pulling those changes - then it needs to remain like that consistently. But it seems to be that sometimes the editor overrides Gutenberg edits on occasion. So the client's work gets deleted. I have had this happen to me. It definitely makes more sense for the editor to pull Gutenberg changes and reflect these back and forth (page templates only). Thanks - it is a great feature.

flappyjjj commented 4 years ago

+1 Whether oxygen or Gutenberg is the master, don’t care, but there can be only one version of a page! The current solution is confusing for customers and dangerous for developers.

markmilligan commented 4 years ago


bpages383 commented 4 years ago

+1, I love Oxygen but this is a huge deal breaker for me.

I can't ask my clients to edit with Oxygen, that's too complex and they will break my designs in a minute. But if I let them edit with Gutenberg, then I can't update the design in the future, which is a very common situation.

For now, i'll let them update lorem ipsum in Gutenberg and Copy / Paste those in Oxygen when they'll ask for a design change.

Edit : has anyone tried Live Editor Pro ? I'm considering trying it.

wpsumo commented 4 years ago

Also, see and upvote if you like the suggestions:

ictsource commented 4 years ago

Agreed, nervous of overwriting client's text accidentally if I make amendments to design. I forsee the Gutenberg content might be overwritten when Oxygen is updated as well.

As an aside, I've noticed that if you create a reusable block in Gutenberg, the block preview works in Gutenberg, other wise the preview is blank for all pages and sections?

kgobaille commented 4 years ago


jcmatoskx commented 4 years ago

The gutenberg feature is an amazing part of oxygen for simplifying and streamlining content to clients, and I also believe this is quite an essential part of it

misterjak93 commented 4 years ago


MimiDev commented 4 years ago

+1000! I have now had the issue of overwriting client edits 3! times on the one site. This is pretty much unworkable and I'm unlikely to use the Gutenberg integration(?) in future. Having two copies of a page is too difficult and stressful to manage. I have had to resort to having screenshot backups of ALL pages so I have a copy of actual text/content. ...and I've already had to use it to restore content that was overwritten.

Please please enable better syncronisation of Gutenberg content with Oxy content.

RandallHolbrook commented 4 years ago

me too!

steferr commented 4 years ago


Paul979 commented 4 years ago

The way this feature works is similar to when you configure a car's first gear to go in reverse instead of forward. It just wreaks havoc and is completely intuitive.

It's a shame because it would be an awesome feature if it worked right. Now I will be disabling it on all sites instead because reading what some others have wrote here and in the Facebook group, it seems to have the potential to create a giant mess instead of do good.

Contributolo commented 4 years ago

Need that :).

Wade850223 commented 4 years ago

definitely +1

lucianahanan commented 4 years ago

In my opinion, gutenberg should give us admins the option to allow regular users to only edit the text and nothing else...

giandomenicodisalvatore commented 4 years ago

+1 Game changer! ❤️

CNGGit commented 4 years ago

Ox is not usable with GB in any serious production without this change. On the other side of the coin, OX with this tight integration would leap forward ahead of the competition!

MimiDev commented 4 years ago

In my opinion, gutenberg should give us admins the option to allow regular users to only edit the text and nothing else...

I believe this functionality already exists by configuration under the Oxy Settings 'Role Manager'

Paul979 commented 4 years ago

Within the last 30 days alone, there have been 2 big threads in the Official Oxygen Facebook group requesting this feature...

  1. (72 comments)

  2. (23 comments)

Please Oxygen team, listen to the community. This feature is obviously in very high demand.

robertopib commented 4 years ago

+1 on this one!

lbdsgn commented 4 years ago

I was horrified to hear this is how it "works". Is there an ETA on a user-friendly fix?

CNGGit commented 4 years ago

This is a deal breaker for me. Starting to look at alternatives (Beaver Builder?).

wpdv commented 4 years ago


ghost commented 4 years ago

I bought the Gutenberg upgrade assuming (wrongly) the Gutenberg changes would be inherited in Oxygen.

There are varying reasons on the FB group why this was done, so can we hear from the team why and whether there is a workaround that does not require us buying another third-party subscription?

simonclay commented 4 years ago

This is a deal breaker for me. Starting to look at alternatives (Beaver Builder?).

Definitely not Beaver Builder and I am moving away from Elementor due to bloat. However I do need the option for clients to edit their sites easily. I am a bit shocked that this is an issue in Oxygen in 2020.

simonclay commented 4 years ago


I am in disbelief that this is an issue. Of course we need clients to be able to edit and even add content. And we need to be able to update the page design and add new sections without worrying that the client's edits are trashed.

The suggestion of migration of data back and forth from Gutenberg to Oxygen sounds more like a cobbled hack than a proper solution. Wouldn't 'limited access to Oxygen editor' be the right way forward, allowing the client to edit on page?

MimiDev commented 4 years ago

This is a deal breaker for me. Starting to look at alternatives (Beaver Builder?).

Definitely not Beaver Builder and I am moving away from Elementor due to bloat. However I do need the option for clients to edit their sites easily. I am a bit shocked that this is an issue in Oxygen in 2020.

Personally I have come to love the integration and use of ACF Pro, and it actually provides and much more customised and "user friendly" area for client edits. I will be continuing with this for the moment and, to be honest, I'd probably be inclined to continue doing so even if/when the Gutenberg integration issue is rectified.

simonclay commented 4 years ago

Sounds good Mimi.

So, you build the page template and assign the dynamic ACF fields to different parts of the page? You don't find it too rigid? Can you give an example of your usual setup for a page. I'm curious to know eg:

MimiDev commented 4 years ago

Sounds good Mimi.

So, you build the page template and assign the dynamic ACF fields to different parts of the page? You don't find it too rigid? Can you give an example of your usual setup for a page. I'm curious to know eg:

* ACF field for main content area (what if the client would like to have 2 columns, image beside text?)

* ACF field for sidebar content (can it only be text, or could it be downloadable files, images, etc.)

I can't say I yet have a "usual setup" as I haven't done enough of them. Yes I guess it is rigid, but that's also a bonus (clients aren't webdevelopers and for the majority, it's best they don't try and be one!). Majority of my clients have businesses to run and they want to be able to do quick edits ...not structural or site layout changes that becomes time consuming - they want "data entry" basically, save it, and get back to running their business..

So I develop and determine the layout of pages and create ACF fields for content that they would want to edit. The content then gets displayed on relevant parts of the site of course - or even on multiple parts of the site (which is even more cool!).

ACF really does provide so much flexibility and for more complex content functionality, the WYSIWYG Editor could be a good solution (although I haven't used this one yet?). I hope this helps.

This probably isn't the place for this discussion, so feel free to hit me up in the fb group :)

simonclay commented 4 years ago

Thanks, I'll say hello! when they approve me in the FB group :)

zbyneksmetana commented 4 years ago

At the moment, I do not know if Builders/Oxygen should change their direction a bit, and anticipate the future development of Wordpress/Gutenberg. MAybe builders should allow people build websites with the core Gutenberg blocks and additional Oxygen/Builders functionality in Gutenberg environment. For me is crazy to add strange additional functionality (like ACF fields) or "Gutenberg Oxygen plugin" (with his "above strange behaviours").

theamazingaustin commented 4 years ago


mattfrand commented 4 years ago


swinggraphics commented 3 years ago

+1 Gutenberg integration is completely a no-go on any site right now.

wpsumo commented 3 years ago

@swinggraphics Check some of the suggestions here which would make it more like a combination of ACF blocks + ACF extended UI the UI for Block Labs.

aFreelancing commented 3 years ago


aFreelancing commented 3 years ago


LauGau commented 3 years ago

I posted few messages on that on the Facebook page when the Gutenberg extension was out. Since I realise this, I NEVER used the Gutenberg extension anymore : too dangerous and impossible to adapt the layout based on the actual content... because we cannot see it and it's so easy to wipe everything.

I had a +1 here (but for me it's less important to fix that rather than the duplicate ID thingy).

retrocool commented 3 years ago

+1 After being really impressed with the 'make page editable in Gutenberg' feature, I was absolutely horrified to discover this was the default behaviour for edits. And I first discovered it on a complex page which takes 10 mins to copy and paste all the text. You just can't leave it like this!

simonclay commented 3 years ago

I think I'd switch to the 'Edit Mode and granular Oxygen capability restrictions for clients' instead of Gutenberg feature.

retrocool commented 3 years ago

Thanks Simon, that looks like the best solution for now, I appreciate the tip. I will abandon the Gutenberg solution for now. What a shame! I hope Soflyy pick up on this issue.

SuperSonicSites commented 3 years ago

+1 Please Please Please. This is not optional.

thomasjulienalain commented 3 years ago


mrbenjaminjo commented 3 years ago


lucianahanan commented 3 years ago


moseskerub commented 3 years ago

+1! Absolutely needed