softgrow / mfsmodel-weather

MFS Modelling with weather
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Tools for Modelling MFS Call Data

Results - Step 1

             Estimate     Std. Error   z value      Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)   -3.865e+00    4.677e-02   -8.265e+01    0.000e+00
dayofweek      3.568e-02    7.268e-03    4.909e+00    9.164e-07
hour           8.541e-02    2.250e-03    3.796e+01   3.168e-310
month         -1.997e-02    4.217e-03   -4.735e+00    2.197e-06

Degrees of Freedom: 43823 Total (i.e. Null);  43820 Residual
Null Deviance:      33700
Residual Deviance: 32080        AIC: 32090

Prior correction performed with tau = 0.04740437
Rare events bias correction performed

Results - Step 2 - Average Monthly Temp

         Estimate     Std. Error   z value      Pr(>|z|)   
(Intercept)   -4.425e+00    9.233e-02   -4.793e+01    0.000e+00
dayofweek      3.573e-02    7.272e-03    4.913e+00    9.003e-07
hour           8.550e-02    2.252e-03    3.797e+01   1.724e-310
month         -1.101e-02    4.535e-03   -2.428e+00    1.520e-02
temperature    2.349e-02    3.336e-03    7.040e+00    1.952e-12

Degrees of Freedom: 43823 Total (i.e. Null);  43819 Residual
Null Deviance:      33700
Residual Deviance: 32030        AIC: 32040

Prior correction performed with tau = 0.04740437
Rare events bias correction performed

Results - Step 3 - Previous observed Temp

Warning message: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

             Estimate     Std. Error   z value      Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)   -4.675e+00    6.446e-02   -7.252e+01    0.000e+00
dayofweek      3.546e-02    7.299e-03    4.858e+00    1.189e-06
hour           7.395e-02    2.282e-03    3.241e+01   1.149e-227
month         -4.398e-03    4.567e-03   -9.629e-01    3.356e-01
temperature    5.114e-02    2.780e-03    1.840e+01    2.614e-75

Degrees of Freedom: 43823 Total (i.e. Null);  43819 Residual
Null Deviance:      33700
Residual Deviance: 31690        AIC: 31700

Prior correction performed with tau = 0.04740437
Rare events bias correction performed

Results - Step 4 - Days of Week

Warning message: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

             Estimate     Std. Error   z value      Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)   -4.634e+00    4.701e-02   -9.859e+01    0.000e+00
hour           7.391e-02    2.279e-03    3.243e+01   4.739e-228
temperature    5.157e-02    2.730e-03    1.890e+01    2.576e-79
IsMonday      -7.809e-02    4.278e-02   -1.825e+00    6.795e-02
IsThursday     1.099e-01    4.492e-02    2.447e+00    1.441e-02
IsFriday       1.456e-01    4.533e-02    3.213e+00    1.317e-03
IsSaturday     3.017e-01    4.734e-02    6.373e+00    1.868e-10

Degrees of Freedom: 43823 Total (i.e. Null);  43817 Residual
Null Deviance:      33700
Residual Deviance: 31650        AIC: 31660

Prior correction performed with tau = 0.04740437
Rare events bias correction performed

Results - Step 5 - Remove Operational Movements

Warning message: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

             Estimate     Std. Error   z value      Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)   -4.688e+00    4.643e-02   -1.010e+02    0.000e+00
hour           7.312e-02    2.244e-03    3.259e+01   3.458e-230
temperature    5.060e-02    2.686e-03    1.883e+01    8.075e-79
IsMonday      -8.037e-02    4.223e-02   -1.903e+00    5.705e-02
IsThursday     1.158e-01    4.441e-02    2.607e+00    9.146e-03
IsFriday       1.417e-01    4.469e-02    3.171e+00    1.518e-03
IsSaturday     2.931e-01    4.659e-02    6.291e+00    3.192e-10

Degrees of Freedom: 43823 Total (i.e. Null);  43817 Residual
Null Deviance:      34380
Residual Deviance: 32320        AIC: 32340

Prior correction performed with tau = 0.04411894
Rare events bias correction performed

Results - Step 6 - Remove Increase sample size to give model more information on zeros

Warning message: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

             Estimate    Std. Error  z value     Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)  -3.975e+00   1.460e-02  -2.723e+02   0.000e+00
hour          3.024e-02   6.162e-04   4.908e+01   0.000e+00
temperature   2.898e-02   6.906e-04   4.196e+01   0.000e+00
IsMonday     -2.354e-02   1.285e-02  -1.832e+00   6.694e-02
IsThursday    9.195e-02   1.269e-02   7.245e+00   4.326e-13
IsFriday      1.399e-01   1.261e-02   1.110e+01   1.273e-28
IsSaturday    1.129e-01   1.264e-02   8.931e+00   4.249e-19

Degrees of Freedom: 262943 Total (i.e. Null);  262937 Residual
Null Deviance:      336400
Residual Deviance: 331200       AIC: 331200

Prior correction performed with tau = 0.04411894
Rare events bias correction performed

Results - Step 6a - Use case control weighting

Warning message: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

             Estimate    Std. Error  z value     Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)  -3.964e+00   3.361e-02  -1.179e+02   0.000e+00
hour          2.843e-02   1.377e-03   2.066e+01   1.028e-94
temperature   2.958e-02   1.539e-03   1.922e+01   2.843e-82
IsMonday     -2.264e-02   2.964e-02  -7.639e-01   4.449e-01
IsThursday    9.222e-02   2.890e-02   3.191e+00   1.418e-03
IsFriday      1.435e-01   2.857e-02   5.024e+00   5.068e-07
IsSaturday    1.090e-01   2.874e-02   3.794e+00   1.485e-04

Degrees of Freedom: 262943 Total (i.e. Null);  262937 Residual
Null Deviance:      95090
Residual Deviance: 94120        AIC: 15690

Weighting performed with tau = 0.04411894
Rare events bias correction performed

Results - Step 6b - No Rare event correction

Warning message: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

             Estimate    Std. Error  z value     Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)  -1.571e+00   1.460e-02  -1.076e+02   0.000e+00
hour          3.024e-02   6.162e-04   4.908e+01   0.000e+00
temperature   2.898e-02   6.906e-04   4.196e+01   0.000e+00
IsMonday     -2.355e-02   1.285e-02  -1.833e+00   6.679e-02
IsThursday    9.194e-02   1.269e-02   7.244e+00   4.358e-13
IsFriday      1.399e-01   1.261e-02   1.110e+01   1.287e-28
IsSaturday    1.129e-01   1.264e-02   8.930e+00   4.285e-19

Degrees of Freedom: 262943 Total (i.e. Null);  262937 Residual
Null Deviance:      336400
Residual Deviance: 331200       AIC: 331200
Rare events bias correction performed

Results - Step 6c - Logit model only

Warning message: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

Deviance Residuals:
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max
-1.3130  -0.9394  -0.7978   1.3689   8.4904

              Estimate Std. Error  z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -1.5712017  0.0145975 -107.635  < 2e-16 ***
hour         0.0302444  0.0006162   49.079  < 2e-16 ***
temperature  0.0289802  0.0006906   41.962  < 2e-16 ***
IsMonday    -0.0235660  0.0128482   -1.834   0.0666 .
IsThursday   0.0919263  0.0126911    7.243 4.38e-13 ***
IsFriday     0.1399055  0.0126063   11.098  < 2e-16 ***
IsSaturday   0.1128724  0.0126410    8.929  < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

Null deviance: 336448  on 262943  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 331217  on 262937  degrees of freedom
AIC: 331231

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

Results - Step 6d - Julia logit model only

              Estimate   Std.Error  z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)    -1.5712   0.0145975 -107.635   <1e-99
hour         0.0302444 0.000616235  49.0793   <1e-99
temperature  0.0289802 0.000690629   41.962   <1e-99
IsMonday     -0.023566   0.0128482 -1.83419   0.0666
IsThursday   0.0919263   0.0126911  7.24335   <1e-12
IsFriday      0.139906   0.0126063  11.0981   <1e-27
IsSaturday    0.112872    0.012641  8.92908   <1e-18

Step 7 - NBE Colloquim model but Julia

              Estimate   Std.Error  z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)   -3.77284   0.0116495 -323.862   <1e-99
hour         0.0231019 0.000456182  50.6418   <1e-99
IsMonday      0.122254   0.0120215  10.1696   <1e-23
IsTuesday     0.206699   0.0118108  17.5008   <1e-67
IsWednesday   0.176734    0.011879  14.8779   <1e-49
IsThursday     0.21296   0.0117948  18.0555   <1e-72
IsFriday      0.261926   0.0116857  22.4143   <1e-99
IsSaturday    0.226724    0.011765   19.271   <1e-82
tempband2    0.0765277  0.00297399  25.7323   <1e-99
tempband4    0.0300173  0.00237588  12.6342   <1e-35
tempband5b1    0.01211  0.00675359  1.79312   0.0730
tempband5b2  0.0415202   0.0108828  3.81521   0.0001
tempband5b3  0.0261287   0.0145412  1.79688   0.0724
tempband5b4  0.0475908   0.0204734  2.32452   0.0201
tempband5b5  0.0756126   0.0293007  2.58058   0.0099
tempband5bz  0.0865206   0.0586816  1.47441   0.1404

Step 7p - NBE Colloquim model - Poisson with 1

              Estimate   Std.Error  z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)   -3.78992   0.0114299 -331.581   <1e-99
hour         0.0221202 0.000446189  49.5759   <1e-99
IsMonday      0.117332   0.0117743  9.96511   <1e-22
IsTuesday        0.198   0.0115583  17.1305   <1e-65
IsWednesday   0.169417   0.0116283  14.5693   <1e-47
IsThursday    0.203921   0.0115412   17.669   <1e-69
IsFriday      0.250627   0.0114305  21.9261   <1e-99
IsSaturday    0.217097   0.0115118  18.8586   <1e-78
tempband2     0.073599  0.00291459   25.252   <1e-99
tempband4    0.0285869  0.00231666  12.3397   <1e-34
tempband5b1   0.011425  0.00656885  1.73927   0.0820
tempband5b2  0.0391931   0.0105626  3.71054   0.0002
tempband5b3  0.0246091   0.0140736   1.7486   0.0804
tempband5b4  0.0442925   0.0197345  2.24442   0.0248
tempband5b5  0.0704368   0.0280169  2.51409   0.0119
tempband5bz  0.0750793   0.0552735  1.35832   0.1744

Step 7q - NBE Colloquim model - Poisson with 1,2,3...

              Estimate   Std.Error  z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)   -3.77504   0.0113085 -333.824   <1e-99
hour         0.0221518 0.000440346  50.3055   <1e-99
IsMonday      0.123658   0.0116427  10.6211   <1e-25
IsTuesday     0.208874   0.0114181  18.2931   <1e-74
IsWednesday   0.176693   0.0114962  15.3697   <1e-52
IsThursday    0.211344   0.0114096  18.5234   <1e-75
IsFriday       0.26156   0.0112927  23.1618   <1e-99
IsSaturday     0.22655   0.0113762  19.9144   <1e-87
tempband2    0.0749714  0.00287873  26.0432   <1e-99
tempband4    0.0292694  0.00228357  12.8174   <1e-36
tempband5b1   0.011577  0.00646926  1.78955   0.0735
tempband5b2  0.0402354   0.0103961  3.87025   0.0001
tempband5b3  0.0220355   0.0138624  1.58959   0.1119
tempband5b4  0.0497162   0.0193828  2.56497   0.0103
tempband5b5  0.0714394   0.0273278  2.61417   0.0089
tempband5bz  0.0967719   0.0527162  1.83571   0.0664

Step 8 - Add hour function and year

                Estimate  Std.Error  z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)     -3.89515  0.0343862 -113.277   <1e-99
year           0.0486605  0.0020006   24.323   <1e-99
hour0to1       -0.200861  0.0452568 -4.43824    <1e-5
hour1to2       -0.166261  0.0307567 -5.40569    <1e-7
hour3to4       -0.112407  0.0330688  -3.3992   0.0007
hour4to5       -0.123788   0.043667 -2.83481   0.0046
hour5to6        0.173167  0.0434854  3.98219    <1e-4
hour6to7        0.281338  0.0391738  7.18179   <1e-12
hour7to8        0.421769  0.0332093  12.7003   <1e-36
hour8to9        0.346418  0.0277572  12.4803   <1e-35
hour9to10       0.100561  0.0246993   4.0714    <1e-4
hour10to11     -0.179571  0.0218166 -8.23092   <1e-15
hour11to13    -0.0561719 0.00812962 -6.90953   <1e-11
hour15to16      0.110874  0.0184575  6.00699    <1e-8
hour16to17    -0.0714394  0.0256807 -2.78184   0.0054
hour17to18      0.167914  0.0258116  6.50537   <1e-10
hour18to19     -0.225317  0.0263946 -8.53647   <1e-16
hour19to20    -0.0702119  0.0280893  -2.4996   0.0124
hour20to21    -0.0991658  0.0295289 -3.35826   0.0008
hour21to22    -0.0777595  0.0310024 -2.50818   0.0121
hour22to23     -0.144905  0.0334736 -4.32894    <1e-4
hour23to24    -0.0924898  0.0445278 -2.07713   0.0378
IsMonday        0.125735  0.0116404  10.8016   <1e-26
IsTuesday       0.210622  0.0114165  18.4489   <1e-75
IsWednesday     0.179593  0.0114937  15.6253   <1e-54
IsThursday      0.214809  0.0114078    18.83   <1e-78
IsFriday        0.264128  0.0112894  23.3961   <1e-99
IsSaturday      0.229595  0.0113732  20.1873   <1e-89
tempband2      0.0189116  0.0037896  4.99038    <1e-6
tempband3    -0.00908493 0.00340189 -2.67055   0.0076
tempband5a     0.0179924 0.00367917  4.89034    <1e-5
tempband5b2    0.0346521 0.00624817  5.54596    <1e-7
tempband5b4    0.0434187  0.0154417  2.81177   0.0049
tempband5b5    0.0551226  0.0270923  2.03462   0.0419
tempband5bz     0.104784  0.0529103   1.9804   0.0477

Step 9 - Add wind and dewpoint, Redo hour

               Estimate   Std.Error  z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)    -3.93051   0.0351259 -111.898   <1e-99
year          0.0486377  0.00200018  24.3167   <1e-99
hour0to1      -0.201051   0.0452569 -4.44243    <1e-5
hour1to2      -0.166329   0.0307563 -5.40798    <1e-7
hour3to4       -0.11247   0.0330694 -3.40103   0.0007
hour4to5      -0.124129   0.0436672 -2.84262   0.0045
hour5to6        0.17329   0.0434851  3.98505    <1e-4
hour6to7       0.281432   0.0391736  7.18424   <1e-12
hour7to8       0.423072   0.0332096  12.7395   <1e-36
hour8to9       0.344392   0.0277499  12.4106   <1e-34
hour9to10      0.108709    0.024545  4.42897    <1e-5
hour10to11    -0.213999   0.0191211 -11.1918   <1e-28
hour12to13    -0.088438   0.0131883  -6.7058   <1e-10
hour15to16     0.113757   0.0186953  6.08478    <1e-8
hour16to17   -0.0722974   0.0256936 -2.81383   0.0049
hour17to18     0.167543   0.0258186  6.48923   <1e-10
hour18to19    -0.225188   0.0263985 -8.53033   <1e-16
hour19to20   -0.0697614   0.0280926 -2.48327   0.0130
hour20to21   -0.0984745   0.0295313 -3.33458   0.0009
hour21to22   -0.0775052   0.0310029 -2.49993   0.0124
hour22to23    -0.144595   0.0334741 -4.31961    <1e-4
hour23to24   -0.0924366    0.044528 -2.07592   0.0379
IsMonday       0.126168   0.0116412  10.8381   <1e-26
IsTuesday      0.212084     0.01142  18.5713   <1e-76
IsWednesday    0.179938   0.0114939  15.6551   <1e-54
IsThursday     0.214925   0.0114081  18.8397   <1e-78
IsFriday       0.263548    0.011292  23.3394   <1e-99
IsSaturday     0.228976   0.0113742  20.1312   <1e-89
tempband2     0.0154393  0.00384772  4.01258    <1e-4
tempband3    -0.0111211  0.00342263 -3.24928   0.0012
tempband5a    0.0175582  0.00368377  4.76636    <1e-5
tempband5b2   0.0372524  0.00626508  5.94604    <1e-8
tempband5b4   0.0459163   0.0154451  2.97287   0.0030
tempband5b5   0.0532244   0.0270948  1.96438   0.0495
tempband5bz    0.100877   0.0527813  1.91123   0.0560
dew_point    0.00403081 0.000732363  5.50384    <1e-7
wind_speed   0.00228641  0.00125169  1.82666   0.0678

Results Step 10 - Correct dew_point and wind_speed index

               Estimate   Std.Error  z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)    -3.92155   0.0347398 -112.883   <1e-99
year          0.0485735  0.00199998   24.287   <1e-99
hour0to1      -0.200988   0.0452568 -4.44105    <1e-5
hour1to2      -0.166179    0.030757 -5.40297    <1e-7
hour3to4      -0.112263   0.0330683 -3.39488   0.0007
hour4to5      -0.123886   0.0436668 -2.83708   0.0046
hour5to6       0.173731   0.0434852  3.99517    <1e-4
hour6to7        0.28108   0.0391734  7.17527   <1e-12
hour7to8        0.42396    0.033208  12.7668   <1e-36
hour8to9       0.344182   0.0277467  12.4044   <1e-34
hour9to10      0.110088    0.024541  4.48589    <1e-5
hour10to11     -0.21348   0.0191038 -11.1747   <1e-28
hour12to13   -0.0874292   0.0131681 -6.63948   <1e-10
hour15to16     0.114861   0.0186957  6.14367    <1e-9
hour16to17   -0.0726822   0.0256929 -2.82888   0.0047
hour17to18     0.166447   0.0258148  6.44771    <1e-9
hour18to19    -0.225947   0.0263947 -8.56032   <1e-16
hour19to20   -0.0716924   0.0280904  -2.5522   0.0107
hour20to21   -0.0991559   0.0295285 -3.35797   0.0008
hour21to22   -0.0779293   0.0310023 -2.51366   0.0119
hour22to23      -0.1448   0.0334735  -4.3258    <1e-4
hour23to24   -0.0924354   0.0445279  -2.0759   0.0379
IsMonday       0.125757   0.0116404  10.8035   <1e-26
IsTuesday      0.211254   0.0114171  18.5034   <1e-75
IsWednesday    0.180139    0.011494  15.6724   <1e-54
IsThursday     0.214577   0.0114079  18.8094   <1e-78
IsFriday       0.263101   0.0112911  23.3017   <1e-99
IsSaturday     0.228731   0.0113744  20.1094   <1e-89
tempband2     0.0160776   0.0038257  4.20252    <1e-4
tempband3    -0.0109418  0.00341949 -3.19983   0.0014
tempband5a    0.0176293  0.00368066   4.7897    <1e-5
tempband5b2   0.0385233  0.00628796  6.12651    <1e-9
tempband5b4    0.048267   0.0154594  3.12218   0.0018
tempband5b5   0.0536702   0.0271161  1.97928   0.0478
tempband5bz    0.115059   0.0530725  2.16795   0.0302
dew_point    0.00390169 0.000729324  5.34974    <1e-7

Results Step 11 - Leave Wind Speed In

Coefficients Estimate Std.Error z value Pr(>\ z\ )
(Intercept) -3.92828 0.0351363 -111.801 <1e-99
year 0.0482033 0.00199961 24.1064 <1e-99
hour0to1 -0.201484 0.0452568 -4.45201 <1e-5
hour1to2 -0.165943 0.0307585 -5.39505 <1e-7
hour3to4 -0.112332 0.0330674 -3.39708 0.0007
hour4to5 -0.124051 0.0436655 -2.84094 0.0045
hour5to6 0.175264 0.0434846 4.03049 <1e-4
hour6to7 0.282751 0.0391703 7.21849 <1e-12
hour7to8 0.426791 0.0332034 12.8538 <1e-37
hour8to9 0.339623 0.0278138 12.2106 <1e-33
hour9to10 0.105154 0.0249001 4.22303 <1e-4
hour10to11 -0.185707 0.0249332 -7.44816 <1e-13
hour11to12 -0.0526015 0.0255667 -2.05743 0.0396
hour12to13 -0.0631609 0.0189612 -3.33105 0.0009
hour15to16 0.110462 0.0187254 5.89906 <1e-8
hour16to17 -0.0755145 0.0256934 -2.93906 0.0033
hour17to18 0.170437 0.0258201 6.60094 <1e-10
hour18to19 -0.229678 0.0263915 -8.70271 <1e-17
hour19to20 -0.0715832 0.028085 -2.5488 0.0108
hour20to21 -0.0893263 0.0295421 -3.02369 0.0025
hour21to22 -0.0789808 0.0310044 -2.54741 0.0109
hour22to23 -0.143115 0.0334746 -4.27532 <1e-4
hour23to24 -0.0915308 0.0445303 -2.05547 0.0398
IsMonday 0.125958 0.0116417 10.8196 <1e-26
IsTuesday 0.212071 0.0114169 18.5752 <1e-76
IsWednesday 0.180471 0.0114945 15.7006 <1e-54
IsThursday 0.214703 0.0114079 18.8206 <1e-78
IsFriday 0.263771 0.0112891 23.365 <1e-99
IsSaturday 0.229289 0.0113746 20.158 <1e-89
tempband2 0.0166308 0.00390385 4.26011 <1e-4
tempband3 -0.0177655 0.00425992 -4.17038 <1e-4
tempband4 0.0114097 0.00305726 3.73201 0.0002
tempband5b1 0.0157002 0.00643611 2.43939 0.0147
tempband5b2 0.0369874 0.0083731 4.41741 <1e-5
tempband5b4 0.0555186 0.0152284 3.64574 0.0003
tempband5b5 0.0913057 0.0221132 4.12901 <1e-4
dew_point 0.00395742 0.000735134 5.38327 <1e-7
wind_speed 0.0022446 0.00124634 1.80096 0.0717
Expected Value for 0 116024.23786580352
Expected Value for 1 116720.2860107171
Expected Value for 2 117440.9486500019
Expected Value for -1 115385.27395891977
Expected Value for 0 116470.34973240174
Expected Value for 1 117253.7522074085
Expected Value for 2 118162.81813503151
Expected Value for -1 115793.16293129568

Results Step 12 - Use Polynomials

julia> include("makecomb.jl")
Warning: could not import Base.add! into NumericExtensions
116024 incidents loaded

                 Estimate   Std.Error  z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)      -2.71827    0.143181 -18.9849   <1e-79
year            0.0477146  0.00200157  23.8387   <1e-99
hourfrac         -1.28046    0.110009 -11.6396   <1e-30
hourfrac2         1.37622    0.105945  12.9899   <1e-37
hourfrac3       -0.691903    0.046416 -14.9066   <1e-49
hourfrac4        0.178586    0.011108  16.0773   <1e-57
hourfrac5      -0.0260914  0.00159193 -16.3898   <1e-59
hourfrac6      0.00229711 0.000142658  16.1022   <1e-57
hourfrac7    -0.000124593  8.05876e-6 -15.4606   <1e-53
hourfrac8      4.07985e-6  2.78733e-7  14.6371   <1e-47
hourfrac9     -7.40502e-8  5.38921e-9 -13.7405   <1e-42
hourfrac10    5.72564e-10 4.46065e-11  12.8359   <1e-36
IsMonday         0.128256   0.0116418  11.0169   <1e-27
IsTuesday        0.206165   0.0114185  18.0553   <1e-72
IsWednesday      0.177042   0.0114941  15.4028   <1e-52
IsThursday       0.216094   0.0114091  18.9405   <1e-79
IsFriday         0.259353   0.0112934   22.965   <1e-99
IsSaturday       0.224483   0.0113753  19.7343   <1e-85
temperature     -0.368525   0.0560734 -6.57219   <1e-10
temp2           0.0574261  0.00867669  6.61844   <1e-10
temp3         -0.00414448 0.000653105 -6.34581    <1e-9
temp4         0.000150997  2.55212e-5  5.91656    <1e-8
temp5         -2.69136e-6   4.9628e-7 -5.42306    <1e-7
temp6          1.87449e-8  3.78652e-9  4.95042    <1e-6
dew_point      -0.0194683   0.0015148  -12.852   <1e-37
dew_point2     0.00148698  8.78881e-5   16.919   <1e-63
wind_speed     -0.0612822  0.00385731 -15.8873   <1e-56
wind_speed2    0.00547301 0.000312889  17.4919   <1e-67