softlayer / softlayer-object-storage-backup

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Clarify rsync reference in documentation #13

Closed benmccann closed 11 years ago

benmccann commented 11 years ago

It says "Works like rsync", but I don't think it actually does work very much like rsync. With rsync, if I take a 100GB file and modify a single byte, then only a small portion of the file will be transferred. I believe that with this script the entire 100GB will be transferred. Maybe it'd be better to just leave it at "only changed/new files are uploaded" and remove the rsync reference. I had to read through the source to see that it doesn't actually do rolling checksums and partial transfers.

CrackerJackMack commented 11 years ago

You are very correct that it doesn't support partial transfers and to someone who knows how rsync delta-transfers work this is very misleading.

What if it said "Works like rsync --whole-file" instead?

Edit: Nevermind, I'll just detail how it works so there is no confusion.