softlayer / softlayer-object-storage-backup

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You can now install from pip! pip install slbackup

SoftLayer's object storage backup script.

This script is indended to be used purely as a backup operation! It will not make you run faster or jump higher. It might save you from a really bad day though.

How it works

By default, the script uses time and size comparison based on the files mtime and upload time. The entire file is transfered if either the size or the time differs. If retention is enabled, the original file is copied into a seperate container with the md5 sum inserted into the name before the changed file is uploaded.


Retention formats

When specifying retention in the config file or -r in the cli args, please be advised of the new time formats below:


  1. Download/install object_storage
  2. Download
  3. run ./ --help
  4. run ./ --example > ~/.slbackup to get a config
  5. run nano ~/.slbackup and put your credentials in there
  6. run with the desired options.

I also [blogged about it] ( with a bit more verbosity.

Known issues/limitations